United Airlines CMO Responsibilities

The United Air Lines Certificate Management Office (CMO) has certificate management oversight responsibility for the United Airlines Air Carrier Certificate and the United Airlines Repair Station. This includes both domestic and international flight and maintenance operations. To support the oversight activities of the agency, management responsibilities have been divided between four field locations:

  • Chicago CMO
  • Denver CMO
  • Houston CMO
  • San Francisco CMO

Chicago location

The Chicago location is collocated at the Great Lakes Regional office in Des Plaines, IL. The Supervisory Principal Operations Inspector (POI) is based in Chicago and is the primary point of contact on issues dealing with United Airlines flight operations. The Supervisory Principal Avionics Inspector (PAI), and The Supervisory Principal Maintenance Inspector (PMI), are based in Chicago and they are the primary points of contact for issues involving United Airlines maintenance.

Denver location

The Denver location has the primary responsibility for overseeing flight operations of the United Airlines certificate, including aircrew training and flight operations worldwide.

Houston and San Francisco locations

The Houston and San Francisco locations have the primary responsibility for overseeing United’s worldwide maintenance program, including the United Airlines Repair Station.

Contacts for United Airlines Maintenance and Operations

Direct all inquires about United Airlines maintenance and flight operations programs to the appropriate principal inspector in the offices listed above.

Other Contacts

For calls or complaints related to:

  • customer service
  • customer relations
  • lost baggage
  • non-safety related areas of United’s operations

U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT)
Consumer Affairs Division Room 10405
400 7th Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20590
Phone: (202) 366-2220

Last updated: Thursday, November 18, 2021