How to Become Certified as a DBE

In order to compete as a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) for airport projects that are funded with Federal dollars, or for an airport concession opportunity, you must first be certified as a DBE under the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations 49 CFR Part 26 and/or 49 CFR Part 23.

The Federal Government does not certify firms as DBEs. You must contact your home state's Unified Certification Program (UCP) to become certified. Your home state is the state where your firm's corporate headquarters is physically located, and is licensed to conduct business in that locality. There are a few states that do not have a UCP. In those cases, contact the airport that you are interested in doing business with.

For more information, please visit: State DOT and DBE program webpages.

Last updated: Friday, February 19, 2016