FAA Unapproved Parts Notifications (UPN)

FAA UPNs Posted in 2009
Date Posted Subject Number
12/10/2009 Hoover Precision Products, Inc. - Bearing assemblies with improperly heat treated ball bearings 2009-20090817004 (PDF)
09/18/2009 Weatherly Aircraft Nevada, Bogalusa, LA - Selling aircraft parts without FAA approval 2009-20090512001 (PDF)
09/09/2009 Watson's Profiling Corporation - Manufacturing Aircraft Parts without FAA Approval 2009-20080703001 (PDF)
08/17/2009 Acme Components Company SMLJ15CD TR-T Diodes - Produced without Parts Manufacturer Approval 2009-200700141 (PDF)
08/17/2009 Chatsworth Rubber - Nonconforming MS and NAS O-Rings 2009-200600012 (PDF)
08/27/2009 Elliptical Systems Incorporated Current Limiters, Overhead Reading Light Switches and Avia-Dynamics Corp. Coffee Brew Trays - Sold without Parts Manufacturer Approval 2007-00016 (PDF)
08/27/2009 Plymouth Tube Company-Failed to conduct all required testing as stated on Certificate of Compliance for stainless/nickel alloy tube material supplied to Aerospace Industry 2009-20080716034 (PDF)
01/30/2009 XP Modifications Inc. Cessna 172 Engine Mounts - Produced without Parts Manufacturer Approval 2009-20080401002 (PDF)
Last updated: Thursday, May 15, 2014