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United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

Operational Excellence

Operate the world's most efficient aerospace system through daily execution, continuous improvement, and infrastructure investment.

Initiativesoperational excellence pillar logo

  • Climate Action, Improve Sustainability, and Address the Effects of Aircraft Noise
  • Establish a Framework for a More Agile Structure of Services and Service Levels Across the National Airspace System (MASS)
  • Improve Reporting on Operational Performance of the NAS

Success Indicators

  • The sustainability and resilience sub-initiative succeeds by developing and implementing a strategy to bolster adaptation and increase resilience of aviation-related facilities, operations, and infrastructure against the impacts of climate change. The sub-initiative to address aircraft noise succeeds by continually improving our civil aviation policy and understanding of the effects of noise through research to further the FAA’s goal of identifying new and innovative solutions to quantify, abate, and where needed, mitigate the potential for noise impacts. The climate action sub-initiative will succeed if it formulates and executes a strategy for reducing aviation’s climate impact and demonstrates United States and FAA leadership internationally.
  • A flexible efficient FAA that is successful integrating new, advanced, and/or non-traditional operations into the NAS safely without considerable additional funding. An established, lean, collaborative process for adjusting levels of service (up or down) based on data analysis. This approach would be supported by key stakeholders including bargaining units, Office of the Secretary (OST), Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and Congress.
  • Operational decision makers, from front line controllers to ATO executives, have ready access to the data and analytics required to make well informed decisions with a full understanding of the operational implications. The primary benefits of this integrated approach include a safer and more efficient NAS.

To learn about what we have done to accomplish these initiatives, click here.

Last updated: Tuesday, October 4, 2022