AIM by Chapter Number
Chapter 1. Air Navigation
Chapter 2. Aeronautical Lighting and Other Airport Visual Aids
Chapter 3. Airspace
Chapter 4. Air Traffic Control
Chapter 5. Air Traffic Procedures
Chapter 6. Emergency Procedures
Chapter 7. Safety of Flight
Chapter 8. Medical Facts for Pilots
Chapter 9. Aeronautical Charts and Related Publications
Chapter 10. Helicopter Operations
Chapter 11. Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)
Appendix 1. Bird/Other Wildlife Strike Report
Appendix 2. Volcanic Activity Reporting Form (VAR)
Appendix 3. Abbreviations/Acronyms
Appendix 4. FAA Form 7233−4 International Flight Plan
Appendix 5. FAA Form 7233−1 Flight Plan
Air Traffic Control
Chapter 4. Air Traffic Control
Section 1.
Services Available to Pilots
4-1-1. Air Route Traffic Control Centers
4-1-2. Control Towers
4-1-3. Flight Service Stations
4-1-4. Recording and Monitoring
4-1-5. Communications Release of IFR Aircraft Landing at an Airport Without an Operating Control Tower
4-1-6. Pilot Visits to Air Traffic Facilities
4-1-7. Operation Rain Check
4-1-8. Approach Control Service for VFR Arriving Aircraft
4-1-9. Traffic Advisory Practices at Airports Without Operating Control Towers
4-1-10. IFR Approaches/Ground Vehicle Operations
4-1-11. Designated UNICOM/MULTICOM Frequencies
4-1-12. Use of UNICOM for ATC Purposes
4-1-13. Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS)
4-1-14. Automatic Flight Information Service (AFIS) - Alaska FSSs Only
4-1-15. Radar Traffic Information Service
4-1-16. Safety Alert
4-1-17. Radar Assistance to VFR Aircraft
4-1-18. Terminal Radar Services for VFR Aircraft
4-1-19. Tower En Route Control (TEC)
4-1-20. Transponder and ADS-B Out Operation
4-1-21. Airport Reservation Operations and Special Traffic Management Programs
4-1-22. Requests for Waivers and Authorizations from Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR)
4-1-23. Weather Systems Processor
Section 2.
Radio Communications Phraseology and Techniques
4-2-1. General
4-2-2. Radio Technique
4-2-3. Contact Procedures
4-2-4. Aircraft Call Signs
4-2-5. Description of Interchange or Leased Aircraft
4-2-6. Ground Station Call Signs
4-2-7. Phonetic Alphabet
4-2-8. Figures
4-2-9. Altitudes and Flight Levels
4-2-10. Directions
4-2-11. Speeds
4-2-12. Time
4-2-13. Communications with Tower when Aircraft Transmitter or Receiver or Both are Inoperative
4-2-14. Communications for VFR Flights
Section 3.
Airport Operations
4-3-1. General
4-3-2. Airports with an Operating Control Tower
4-3-3. Traffic Patterns
4-3-4. Visual Indicators at Airports Without an Operating Control Tower
4-3-5. Unexpected Maneuvers in the Airport Traffic Pattern
4-3-6. Use of Runways/Declared Distances
4-3-7. Low Level Wind Shear/Microburst Detection Systems
4-3-8. Braking Action Reports and Advisories
4-3-9. Runway Condition Reports
4-3-10. Intersection Takeoffs
4-3-11. Pilot Responsibilities When Conducting Land and Hold Short Operations (LAHSO)
4-3-12. Low Approach
4-3-13. Traffic Control Light Signals
4-3-14. Communications
4-3-15. Gate Holding Due to Departure Delays
4-3-16. VFR Flights in Terminal Areas
4-3-17. VFR Helicopter Operations at Controlled Airports
4-3-18. Taxiing
4-3-19. Taxi During Low Visibility
4-3-20. Standard Taxi Routes
4-3-21. Exiting the Runway After Landing
4-3-22. Practice Instrument Approaches
4-3-23. Option Approach
4-3-24. Use of Aircraft Lights
4-3-25. Flight Inspection/`Flight Check' Aircraft in Terminal Areas
4-3-26. Hand Signals
4-3-27. Operations at Uncontrolled Airports With Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS)/Automated Weather Observing System (AWOS)
Section 4.
ATC Clearances and Aircraft Separation
4-4-1. Clearance
4-4-2. Clearance Prefix
4-4-3. Clearance Items
4-4-4. Amended Clearances
4-4-5. Coded Departure Route (CDR)
4-4-6. Special VFR Clearances
4-4-7. Pilot Responsibility upon Clearance Issuance
4-4-8. IFR Clearance VFR-on-top
4-4-9. VFR/IFR Flights
4-4-10. Adherence to Clearance
4-4-11. IFR Separation Standards
4-4-12. Speed Adjustments
4-4-13. Runway Separation
4-4-14. Visual Separation
4-4-15. Use of Visual Clearing Procedures and Scanning Techniques
4-4-16. Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS I & II)
4-4-17. Traffic Information Service (TIS)
Section 5.
Surveillance Systems
4-5-1. Radar
4-5-2. Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System (ATCRBS)
4-5-3. Surveillance Radar
4-5-4. Precision Approach Radar (PAR)
4-5-5. Airport Surface Detection Equipment (ASDE-X)/Airport Surface Surveillance Capability (ASSC)
4-5-6. Traffic Information Service (TIS)
4-5-7. Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) Services
4-5-8. Traffic Information Service- Broadcast (TIS-B)
4-5-9. Flight Information Service- Broadcast (FIS-B)
4-5-10. Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Rebroadcast (ADS-R)
Section 6.
Operational Policy/Procedures for Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM) in the Domestic U.S., Alaska, Offshore Airspace and the San Juan FIR
4-6-1. Applicability and RVSM Mandate (Date/Time and Area)
4-6-2. Flight Level Orientation Scheme
4-6-3. Aircraft and Operator Approval Policy/Procedures, RVSM Monitoring and Databases for Aircraft and Operator Approval
4-6-4. Flight Planning into RVSM Airspace
4-6-5. Pilot RVSM Operating Practices and Procedures
4-6-6. Guidance on Severe Turbulence and Mountain Wave Activity (MWA)
4-6-7. Guidance on Wake Turbulence
4-6-8. Pilot/Controller Phraseology
4-6-9. Contingency Actions: Weather Encounters and Aircraft System Failures that Occur After Entry into RVSM Airspace
4-6-10. Procedures for Accommodation of Non-RVSM Aircraft
4-6-11. Non-RVSM Aircraft Requesting Climb to and Descent from Flight Levels Above RVSM Airspace Without Intermediate Level Off
Section 7.
Operational Policy/Procedures for the Gulf of Mexico 50 NM Lateral Separation Initiative
4-7-1. Introduction and General Policies
4-7-2. Accommodating Non-RNP 10 Aircraft
4-7-3. Obtaining RNP 10 or RNP 4 Operational Authorization
4-7-4. Authority for Operations with a Single Long-Range Navigation System
4-7-5. Flight Plan Requirements
4-7-6. Contingency Procedures