Section 2. Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) and Area Navigation (RNAV)

  1. General
    1. Introduction to PBN. As air travel has evolved, methods of navigation have improved to give operators more flexibility. PBN exists under the umbrella of area navigation (RNAV). The term RNAV in this context, as in procedure titles, just means “area navigation,” regardless of the equipment capability of the aircraft. (See FIG 1-2-1.) Many operators have upgraded their systems to obtain the benefits of PBN. Within PBN there are two main categories of navigation methods or specifications: area navigation (RNAV) and required navigation performance (RNP). In this context, the term RNAV x means a specific navigation specification with a specified lateral accuracy value. For an aircraft to meet the requirements of PBN, a specified RNAV or RNP accuracy must be met 95 percent of the flight time. RNP is a PBN system that includes onboard performance monitoring and alerting capability (for example, Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM)). PBN also introduces the concept of navigation specifications (NavSpecs) which are a set of aircraft and aircrew requirements needed to support a navigation application within a defined airspace concept. For both RNP and RNAV NavSpecs, the numerical designation refers to the lateral navigation accuracy in nautical miles which is expected to be achieved at least 95 percent of the flight time by the population of aircraft operating within the airspace, route, or procedure. This information is detailed in International Civil Aviation Organization's (ICAO) Doc 9613, Performance-based Navigation (PBN) Manual and the latest FAA AC 90-105, Approval Guidance for RNP Operations and Barometric Vertical Navigation in the U.S. National Airspace System and in Remote and Oceanic Airspace.

      FIG 1-2-1
      Navigation Specifications

      A graphic depicting the navigation specifications umbrella.
    2. Area Navigation (RNAV)
      1. General. RNAV is a method of navigation that permits aircraft operation on any desired flight path within the coverage of ground- or space-based navigation aids or within the limits of the capability of self-contained aids, or a combination of these. In the future, there will be an increased dependence on the use of RNAV in lieu of routes defined by ground-based navigation aids. RNAV routes and terminal procedures, including departure procedures (DPs) and standard terminal arrivals (STARs), are designed with RNAV systems in mind. There are several potential advantages of RNAV routes and procedures:
        1. Time and fuel savings;
        2. Reduced dependence on radar vectoring, altitude, and speed assignments allowing a reduction in required ATC radio transmissions; and
        3. More efficient use of airspace.
          In addition to information found in this manual, guidance for domestic RNAV DPs, STARs, and routes may also be found in AC 90-100, U.S. Terminal and En Route Area Navigation (RNAV) Operations.
      2. RNAV Operations. RNAV procedures, such as DPs and STARs, demand strict pilot awareness and maintenance of the procedure centerline. Pilots should possess a working knowledge of their aircraft navigation system to ensure RNAV procedures are flown in an appropriate manner. In addition, pilots should have an understanding of the various waypoint and leg types used in RNAV procedures; these are discussed in more detail below.
        1. Waypoints. A waypoint is a predetermined geographical position that is defined in terms of latitude/longitude coordinates. Waypoints may be a simple named point in space or associated with existing navaids, intersections, or fixes. A waypoint is most often used to indicate a change in direction, speed, or altitude along the desired path. RNAV procedures make use of both fly-over and fly-by waypoints.
          1. Fly-by waypoints. Fly-by waypoints are used when an aircraft should begin a turn to the next course prior to reaching the waypoint separating the two route segments. This is known as turn anticipation.
          2. Fly-over waypoints. Fly-over waypoints are used when the aircraft must fly over the point prior to starting a turn.


            FIG 1-2-2 illustrates several differences between a fly-by and a fly-over waypoint.

            FIG 1-2-2
            Fly-by and Fly-over Waypoints

            A graphic depicting the differences between a fly-by and a fly-over waypoint.
        2. RNAV Leg Types. A leg type describes the desired path proceeding, following, or between waypoints on an RNAV procedure. Leg types are identified by a two-letter code that describes the path (e.g., heading, course, track, etc.) and the termination point (e.g., the path terminates at an altitude, distance, fix, etc.). Leg types used for procedure design are included in the aircraft navigation database, but not normally provided on the procedure chart. The narrative depiction of the RNAV chart describes how a procedure is flown. The “path and terminator concept” defines that every leg of a procedure has a termination point and some kind of path into that termination point. Some of the available leg types are described below.
          1. Track to Fix. A Track to Fix (TF) leg is intercepted and acquired as the flight track to the following waypoint. Track to a Fix legs are sometimes called point-to-point legs for this reason. Narrative: “direct ALPHA, then on course to BRAVO WP.” See FIG 1-2-3.
          2. Direct to Fix. A Direct to Fix (DF) leg is a path described by an aircraft's track from an initial area direct to the next waypoint. Narrative: “turn right direct BRAVO WP.” See FIG 1-2-4.

            FIG 1-2-3
            Track to Fix Leg Type

            A graphic depicting a Track to Fix leg.

            FIG 1-2-4
            Direct to Fix Leg Type

            A graphic depicting a Direct to Fix leg.
          3. Course to Fix. A Course to Fix (CF) leg is a path that terminates at a fix with a specified course at that fix. Narrative: “on course 150 to ALPHA WP.” See FIG 1-2-5.

            FIG 1-2-5
            Course to Fix Leg Type

            A graphic depicting a Course to Fix leg.
          4. Radius to Fix. A Radius to Fix (RF) leg is defined as a constant radius circular path around a defined turn center that terminates at a fix. See FIG 1-2-6.

            FIG 1-2-6
            Radius to Fix Leg Type

            A graphic depicting a Radius to Fix leg.
          5. Heading. A Heading leg may be defined as, but not limited to, a Heading to Altitude (VA), Heading to DME range (VD), and Heading to Manual Termination, i.e., Vector (VM). Narrative:climb heading 350 to 1500”, “heading 265, at 9 DME west of PXR VORTAC, right turn heading 360”, “fly heading 090, expect radar vectors to DRYHT INT.”
        3. Navigation Issues. Pilots should be aware of their navigation system inputs, alerts, and annunciations in order to make better-informed decisions. In addition, the availability and suitability of particular sensors/systems should be considered.
          1. GPS/WAAS. Operators using TSO-C129(), TSO-C196(), TSO-C145() or TSO-C146() systems should ensure departure and arrival airports are entered to ensure proper RAIM availability and CDI sensitivity.
          2. DME/DME. Operators should be aware that DME/DME position updating is dependent on navigation system logic and DME facility proximity, availability, geometry, and signal masking.
          3. VOR/DME. Unique VOR characteristics may result in less accurate values from VOR/DME position updating than from GPS or DME/DME position updating.
          4. Inertial Navigation. Inertial reference units and inertial navigation systems are often coupled with other types of navigation inputs, e.g., DME/DME or GPS, to improve overall navigation system performance.


            Specific inertial position updating requirements may apply.

        4. Flight Management System (FMS). An FMS is an integrated suite of sensors, receivers, and computers, coupled with a navigation database. These systems generally provide performance and RNAV guidance to displays and automatic flight control systems.
          Inputs can be accepted from multiple sources such as GPS, DME, VOR, LOC and IRU. These inputs may be applied to a navigation solution one at a time or in combination. Some FMSs provide for the detection and isolation of faulty navigation information.
          When appropriate navigation signals are available, FMSs will normally rely on GPS and/or DME/DME (that is, the use of distance information from two or more DME stations) for position updates. Other inputs may also be incorporated based on FMS system architecture and navigation source geometry.


          DME/DME inputs coupled with one or more IRU(s) are often abbreviated as DME/DME/IRU or D/D/I.

        5. RNAV Navigation Specifications (Nav Specs)
          Nav Specs are a set of aircraft and aircrew requirements needed to support a navigation application within a defined airspace concept. For both RNP and RNAV designations, the numerical designation refers to the lateral navigation accuracy in nautical miles which is expected to be achieved at least 95 percent of the flight time by the population of aircraft operating within the airspace, route, or procedure. (See FIG 1-2-1.)
          1. RNAV 1. Typically RNAV 1 is used for DPs and STARs and appears on the charts. Aircraft must maintain a total system error of not more than 1 NM for 95 percent of the total flight time.
          2. RNAV 2. Typically RNAV 2 is used for en route operations unless otherwise specified. T-routes and Q-routes are examples of this Nav Spec. Aircraft must maintain a total system error of not more than 2 NM for 95 percent of the total flight time.
          3. RNAV 10. Typically RNAV 10 is used in oceanic operations. See paragraph 4-7-1 for specifics and explanation of the relationship between RNP 10 and RNAV 10 terminology.
  2. Required Navigation Performance (RNP)
    1. General. While both RNAV navigation specifications (NavSpecs) and RNP NavSpecs contain specific performance requirements, RNP is RNAV with the added requirement for onboard performance monitoring and alerting (OBPMA). RNP is also a statement of navigation performance necessary for operation within a defined airspace. A critical component of RNP is the ability of the aircraft navigation system to monitor its achieved navigation performance, and to identify for the pilot whether the operational requirement is, or is not, being met during an operation. OBPMA capability therefore allows a lessened reliance on air traffic control intervention and/or procedural separation to achieve the overall safety of the operation. RNP capability of the aircraft is a major component in determining the separation criteria to ensure that the overall containment of the operation is met. The RNP capability of an aircraft will vary depending upon the aircraft equipment and the navigation infrastructure. For example, an aircraft may be eligible for RNP 1, but may not be capable of RNP 1 operations due to limited NAVAID coverage or avionics failure. The Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM) or avionics documents for your aircraft should specifically state the aircraft's RNP eligibilities. Contact the manufacturer of the avionics or the aircraft if this information is missing or incomplete. NavSpecs should be considered different from one another, not “better” or “worse” based on the described lateral navigation accuracy. It is this concept that requires each NavSpec eligbility to be listed separately in the avionics documents or AFM. For example, RNP 1 is different from RNAV 1, and an RNP 1 eligibility does NOT mean automatic RNP 2 or RNAV 1 eligibility. As a safeguard, the FAA requires that aircraft navigation databases hold only those procedures that the aircraft maintains eligibility for. If you look for a specific instrument procedure in your aircraft's navigation database and cannot find it, it's likely that procedure contains PBN elements your aircraft is ineligible for or cannot compute and fly. Further, optional capabilities such as Radius-to-fix (RF) turns or scalability should be described in the AFM or avionics documents. Use the capabilities of your avionics suite to verify the appropriate waypoint and track data after loading the procedure from your database.
    2. PBN Operations.
      1. Lateral Accuracy Values. Lateral Accuracy values are applicable to a selected airspace, route, or procedure. The lateral accuracy value is a value typically expressed as a distance in nautical miles from the intended centerline of a procedure, route, or path. RNP applications also account for potential errors at some multiple of lateral accuracy value (for example, twice the RNP lateral accuracy values).
        1. RNP NavSpecs. U.S. standard NavSpecs supporting typical RNP airspace uses are as specified below. Other NavSpecs may include different lateral accuracy values as identified by ICAO or other states. (See FIG 1-2-1.)
          1. RNP Approach (RNP APCH). In the U.S., RNP APCH procedures are titled RNAV (GPS) and offer several lines of minima to accommodate varying levels of aircraft equipage: either lateral navigation (LNAV), LNAV/vertical navigation (LNAV/VNAV), Localizer Performance with Vertical Guidance (LPV), and Localizer Performance (LP). GPS with or without Space-Based Augmentation System (SBAS) (for example, WAAS) can provide the lateral information to support LNAV minima. LNAV/VNAV incorporates LNAV lateral with vertical path guidance for systems and operators capable of either barometric or SBAS vertical. Pilots are required to use SBAS to fly to the LPV or LP minima. RF turn capability is optional in RNP APCH eligibility. This means that your aircraft may be eligible for RNP APCH operations, but you may not fly an RF turn unless RF turns are also specifically listed as a feature of your avionics suite. GBAS Landing System (GLS) procedures are also constructed using RNP APCH NavSpecs and provide precision approach capability. RNP APCH has a lateral accuracy value of 1 in the terminal and missed approach segments and essentially scales to RNP 0.3 (or 40 meters with SBAS) in the final approach. (See paragraph 5-4-18, RNP AR (Authorization Required) Instrument Procedures.)
          2. RNP Authorization Required Approach (RNP AR APCH). In the U.S., RNP AR APCH procedures are titled RNAV (RNP). These approaches have stringent equipage and pilot training standards and require special FAA authorization to fly. Scalability and RF turn capabilities are mandatory in RNP AR APCH eligibility. RNP AR APCH vertical navigation performance is based upon barometric VNAV or SBAS. RNP AR is intended to provide specific benefits at specific locations. It is not intended for every operator or aircraft. RNP AR capability requires specific aircraft performance, design, operational processes, training, and specific procedure design criteria to achieve the required target level of safety. RNP AR APCH has lateral accuracy values that can range below 1 in the terminal and missed approach segments and essentially scale to RNP 0.3 or lower in the final approach. Before conducting these procedures, operators should refer to the latest AC 90-101, Approval Guidance for RNP Procedures with AR. (See paragraph 5-4-18.)
          3. RNP Authorization Required Departure (RNP AR DP). Similar to RNP AR approaches, RNP AR departure procedures have stringent equipage and pilot training standards and require special FAA authorization to fly. Scalability and RF turn capabilities is mandatory in RNP AR DP eligibility. RNP AR DP is intended to provide specific benefits at specific locations. It is not intended for every operator or aircraft. RNP AR DP capability requires specific aircraft performance, design, operational processes, training, and specific procedure design criteria to achieve the required target level of safety. RNP AR DP has lateral accuracy values that can scale to no lower than RNP 0.3 in the initial departure flight path. Before conducting these procedures, operators should refer to the latest AC 90-101, Approval Guidance for RNP Procedures with AR. (See paragraph 5-4-18.)
          4. Advanced RNP (A-RNP). Advanced RNP is a NavSpec with a minimum set of mandatory functions enabled in the aircraft's avionics suite. In the U.S., these minimum functions include capability to calculate and perform RF turns, scalable RNP, and parallel offset flight path generation. Higher continuity (such as dual systems) may be required for certain oceanic and remote continental airspace. Other “advanced” options for use in the en route environment (such as fixed radius transitions and Time of Arrival Control) are optional in the U.S. Typically, an aircraft eligible for A-RNP will also be eligible for operations comprising: RNP APCH, RNP/RNAV 1, RNP/RNAV 2, RNP 4, and RNP/RNAV 10. A-RNP allows for scalable RNP lateral navigation values (either 1.0 or 0.3) in the terminal environment. Use of these reduced lateral accuracies will normally require use of the aircraft's autopilot and/or flight director. See the latest AC 90-105 for more information on A-RNP, including NavSpec bundling options, eligibility determinations, and operations approvals.


            A-RNP eligible aircraft are NOT automatically eligible for RNP AR APCH or RNP AR DP operations, as RNP AR eligibility requires a separate determination process and special FAA authorization.

          5. RNP 1. RNP 1 requires a lateral accuracy value of 1 for arrival and departure in the terminal area, and the initial and intermediate approach phase when used on conventional procedures with PBN segments (for example, an ILS with a PBN feeder, IAF, or missed approach). RF turn capability is optional in RNP 1 eligibility. This means that your aircraft may be eligible for RNP 1 operations, but you may not fly an RF turn unless RF turns are also specifically listed as a feature of your avionics suite.
          6. RNP 2. RNP 2 will apply to both domestic and oceanic/remote operations with a lateral accuracy value of 2.
          7. RNP 4. RNP 4 will apply to oceanic and remote operations only with a lateral accuracy value of 4. RNP 4 eligibility will automatically confer RNP 10 eligibility.
          8. RNP 10. The RNP 10 NavSpec applies to certain oceanic and remote operations with a lateral accuracy of 10. In such airspace, the RNAV 10 NavSpec will be applied, so any aircraft eligible for RNP 10 will be deemed eligible for RNAV 10 operations. Further, any aircraft eligible for RNP 4 operations is automatically qualified for RNP 10/ RNAV 10 operations. (See also the latest AC 91-70, Oceanic and Remote Continental Airspace Operations, for more information on oceanic RNP/RNAV operations.)
          9. RNP 0.3. The RNP 0.3 NavSpec requires a lateral accuracy value of 0.3 for all authorized phases of flight. RNP 0.3 is not authorized for oceanic, remote, or the final approach segment. Use of RNP 0.3 by slow-flying fixed-wing aircraft is under consideration, but the RNP 0.3 NavSpec initially will apply only to rotorcraft operations. RF turn capability is optional in RNP 0.3 eligibility. This means that your aircraft may be eligible for RNP 0.3 operations, but you may not fly an RF turn unless RF turns are also specifically listed as a feature of your avionics suite.


            On terminal procedures or en route charts, do not confuse a charted RNP value of 0.30, or any standard final approach course segment width of 0.30, with the NavSpec title “RNP 0.3.” Charted RNP values of 0.30 or below should contain two decimal places (for example, RNP 0.15, or 0.10, or 0.30) whereas the NavSpec title will only state “RNP 0.3.”

        2. Application of Standard Lateral Accuracy Values. U.S. standard lateral accuracy values typically used for various routes and procedures supporting RNAV operations may be based on use of a specific navigational system or sensor such as GPS, or on multi-sensor RNAV systems having suitable performance.
        3. Depiction of PBN Requirements. In the U.S., PBN requirements like Lateral Accuracy Values or NavSpecs applicable to a procedure will be depicted on affected charts and procedures. In the U.S., a specific procedure's Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) requirements will be prominently displayed in separate, standardized notes boxes. For procedures with PBN elements, the “PBN box” will contain the procedure's NavSpec(s); and, if required: specific sensors or infrastructure needed for the navigation solution, any additional or advanced functional requirements, the minimum RNP value, and any amplifying remarks. Items listed in this PBN box are REQUIRED to fly the procedure's PBN elements. For example, an ILS with an RNAV missed approach would require a specific capability to fly the missed approach portion of the procedure. That required capability will be listed in the PBN box. The separate Equipment Requirements box will list ground-based equipment and/or airport specific requirements. On procedures with both PBN elements and ground-based equipment requirements, the PBN requirements box will be listed first. (See FIG 5-4-1.)
    3. Other RNP Applications Outside the U.S. The FAA and ICAO member states have led initiatives in implementing the RNP concept to oceanic operations. For example, RNP-10 routes have been established in the northern Pacific (NOPAC) which has increased capacity and efficiency by reducing the distance between tracks to 50 NM. (See paragraph 4-7-1.)
    4. Aircraft and Airborne Equipment Eligibility for RNP Operations. Aircraft eligible for RNP operations will have an appropriate entry including special conditions and limitations in its AFM, avionics manual, or a supplement. Operators of aircraft not having specific RNP eligibility statements in the AFM or avionics documents may be issued operational approval including special conditions and limitations for specific RNP eligibilities.


      Some airborne systems use Estimated Position Uncertainty (EPU) as a measure of the current estimated navigational performance. EPU may also be referred to as Actual Navigation Performance (ANP) or Estimated Position Error (EPE).

      TBL 1-2-1
      U.S. Standard RNP Levels

      RNP Level

      Typical Application

      Primary Route Width (NM) - Centerline to Boundary

      0.1 to 1.0

      RNP AR Approach Segments

      0.1 to 1.0

      0.3 to 1.0

      RNP Approach Segments

      0.3 to 1.0


      Terminal and En Route



      En Route



      Oceanic/remote areas where performance-based horizontal separation is applied.



      Oceanic/remote areas where performance-based horizontal separation is applied.


  3. Use of Suitable Area Navigation (RNAV) Systems on Conventional Procedures and Routes
    1. Discussion. This paragraph sets forth policy, while providing operational and airworthiness guidance regarding the suitability and use of RNAV systems when operating on, or transitioning to, conventional, non-RNAV routes and procedures within the U.S. National Airspace System (NAS):
      1. Use of a suitable RNAV system as a Substitute Means of Navigation when a Very-High Frequency (VHF) Omni-directional Range (VOR), Distance Measuring Equipment (DME), Tactical Air Navigation (TACAN), VOR/TACAN (VORTAC), VOR/DME, Non-directional Beacon (NDB), or compass locator facility including locator outer marker and locator middle marker is out-of-service (that is, the navigation aid (NAVAID) information is not available); an aircraft is not equipped with an Automatic Direction Finder (ADF) or DME; or the installed ADF or DME on an aircraft is not operational. For example, if equipped with a suitable RNAV system, a pilot may hold over an out-of-service NDB.
      2. Use of a suitable RNAV system as an Alternate Means of Navigation when a VOR, DME, VORTAC, VOR/DME, TACAN, NDB, or compass locator facility including locator outer marker and locator middle marker is operational and the respective aircraft is equipped with operational navigation equipment that is compatible with conventional navaids. For example, if equipped with a suitable RNAV system, a pilot may fly a procedure or route based on operational VOR using that RNAV system without monitoring the VOR.


        1. Additional information and associated requirements are available in Advisory Circular 90-108 titled “Use of Suitable RNAV Systems on Conventional Routes and Procedures.”
        2. Good planning and knowledge of your RNAV system are critical for safe and successful operations.
        3. Pilots planning to use their RNAV system as a substitute means of navigation guidance in lieu of an out-of-service NAVAID may need to advise ATC of this intent and capability.
        4. The navigation database should be current for the duration of the flight. If the AIRAC cycle will change during flight, operators and pilots should establish procedures to ensure the accuracy of navigation data, including suitability of navigation facilities used to define the routes and procedures for flight. To facilitate validating database currency, the FAA has developed procedures for publishing the amendment date that instrument approach procedures were last revised. The amendment date follows the amendment number, e.g., Amdt 4 14Jan10. Currency of graphic departure procedures and STARs may be ascertained by the numerical designation in the procedure title. If an amended chart is published for the procedure, or the procedure amendment date shown on the chart is on or after the expiration date of the database, the operator must not use the database to conduct the operation.
    2. Types of RNAV Systems that Qualify as a Suitable RNAV System. When installed in accordance with appropriate airworthiness installation requirements and operated in accordance with applicable operational guidance (for example, aircraft flight manual and Advisory Circular material), the following systems qualify as a suitable RNAV system:
      1. An RNAV system with TSO-C129/ -C145/-C146 equipment, installed in accordance with AC 20-138, Airworthiness Approval of Global Positioning System (GPS) Navigation Equipment for Use as a VFR and IFR Supplemental Navigation System, and authorized for instrument flight rules (IFR) en route and terminal operations (including those systems previously qualified for “GPS in lieu of ADF or DME” operations), or
      2. An RNAV system with DME/DME/IRU inputs that is compliant with the equipment provisions of AC 90-100A, U.S. Terminal and En Route Area Navigation (RNAV) Operations, for RNAV routes. A table of compliant equipment is available at the following website:


        Approved RNAV systems using DME/DME/IRU, without GPS/WAAS position input, may only be used as a substitute means of navigation when specifically authorized by a Notice to Air Missions (NOTAM) or other FAA guidance for a specific procedure. The NOTAM or other FAA guidance authorizing the use of DME/DME/IRU systems will also identify any required DME facilities based on an FAA assessment of the DME navigation infrastructure.

    3. Uses of Suitable RNAV Systems. Subject to the operating requirements, operators may use a suitable RNAV system in the following ways.
      1. Determine aircraft position relative to, or distance from a VOR (see NOTE 6 below), TACAN, NDB, compass locator, DME fix; or a named fix defined by a VOR radial, TACAN course, NDB bearing, or compass locator bearing intersecting a VOR or localizer course.
      2. Navigate to or from a VOR, TACAN, NDB, or compass locator.
      3. Hold over a VOR, TACAN, NDB, compass locator, or DME fix.
      4. Fly an arc based upon DME.


        1. The allowances described in this section apply even when a facility is identified as required on a procedure (for example, “Note ADF required”).
        2. These operations do not include lateral navigation on localizer-based courses (including localizer back-course guidance) without reference to raw localizer data.
        3. Unless otherwise specified, a suitable RNAV system cannot be used for navigation on procedures that are identified as not authorized (“NA”) without exception by a NOTAM. For example, an operator may not use a RNAV system to navigate on a procedure affected by an expired or unsatisfactory flight inspection, or a procedure that is based upon a recently decommissioned NAVAID.
        4. Pilots may not substitute for the NAVAID (for example, a VOR or NDB) providing lateral guidance for the final approach segment. This restriction does not refer to instrument approach procedures with “or GPS” in the title when using GPS or WAAS. These allowances do not apply to procedures that are identified as not authorized (NA) without exception by a NOTAM, as other conditions may still exist and result in a procedure not being available. For example, these allowances do not apply to a procedure associated with an expired or unsatisfactory flight inspection, or is based upon a recently decommissioned NAVAID.
        5. Use of a suitable RNAV system as a means to navigate on the final approach segment of an instrument approach procedure based on a VOR, TACAN or NDB signal, is allowable. The underlying NAVAID must be operational and the NAVAID monitored for final segment course alignment.
        6. For the purpose of paragraph c, “VOR” includes VOR, VOR/DME, and VORTAC facilities and “compass locator” includes locator outer marker and locator middle marker.
    4. Alternate Airport Considerations. For the purposes of flight planning, any required alternate airport must have an available instrument approach procedure that does not require the use of GPS. This restriction includes conducting a conventional approach at the alternate airport using a substitute means of navigation that is based upon the use of GPS. For example, these restrictions would apply when planning to use GPS equipment as a substitute means of navigation for an out-of-service VOR that supports an ILS missed approach procedure at an alternate airport. In this case, some other approach not reliant upon the use of GPS must be available. This restriction does not apply to RNAV systems using TSO-C145/-C146 WAAS equipment. For further WAAS guidance, see paragraph 1-1-18.
      1. For flight planning purposes, TSO-C129() and TSO-C196() equipped users (GPS users) whose navigation systems have fault detection and exclusion (FDE) capability, who perform a preflight RAIM prediction at the airport where the RNAV (GPS) approach will be flown, and have proper knowledge and any required training and/or approval to conduct a GPS-based IAP, may file based on a GPS-based IAP at either the destination or the alternate airport, but not at both locations. At the alternate airport, pilots may plan for applicable alternate airport weather minimums using:
        1. Lateral navigation (LNAV) or circling minimum descent altitude (MDA);
        2. LNAV/vertical navigation (LNAV/VNAV) DA, if equipped with and using approved barometric vertical navigation (baro-VNAV) equipment;
        3. RNP 0.3 DA on an RNAV (RNP) IAP, if they are specifically authorized users using approved baro-VNAV equipment and the pilot has verified required navigation performance (RNP) availability through an approved prediction program.
      2. If the above conditions cannot be met, any required alternate airport must have an approved instrument approach procedure other than GPS that is anticipated to be operational and available at the estimated time of arrival, and which the aircraft is equipped to fly.
      3. This restriction does not apply to TSO-C145() and TSO-C146() equipped users (WAAS users). For further WAAS guidance, see paragraph 1-1-18.
  4. Recognizing, Mitigating, and Adapting to GPS Jamming and/or Spoofing
    1. The low-strength data transmission signals from GPS satellites are vulnerable to various anomalies that can significantly reduce the reliability of the navigation signal. The GPS signal is vulnerable and has many uses in aviation (e.g., communication, navigation, surveillance, safety systems and automation); therefore, pilots must place additional emphasis on closely monitoring aircraft equipment performance for any anomalies and promptly inform Air Traffic Control (ATC) of any apparent GPS degradation. Pilots should also be prepared to operate without GPS navigation systems.
    2. GPS signals are vulnerable to intentional and unintentional interference from a wide variety of sources, including radars, microwave links, ionosphere effects, solar activity, multi-path error, satellite communications, GPS repeaters, and even some systems onboard the aircraft. In general, these types of unintentional interference are localized and intermittent. Of greater and growing concern is the intentional and unauthorized interference of GPS signals by persons using “jammers” or “spoofers” to disrupt air navigation by interfering with the reception of valid satellite signals.


      The U.S. government regularly conducts GPS tests, training activities, and exercises that interfere with GPS signals. These events are geographically limited, coordinated, scheduled, and advertised via GPS and/or WAAS NOTAMS. Operators of GPS aircraft should always check for GPS and/or WAAS NOTAMS for their route of flight.

    3. Manufacturers, operators, and air traffic controllers should be aware of the general impacts of GPS jamming and/or spoofing, which include, but are not limited to:
      1. Inability to use GPS for navigation.
      2. Inability to use hybrid GPS inertial systems for navigation.
      3. Loss of, or degraded, performance-based navigation (PBN) capability (e.g., inability to fly required navigation performance (RNP) procedures).
      4. Unreliable triggering of Terrain Awareness and Warning Systems (TAWS).
      5. Inaccurate aircraft position on navigation display (e.g., moving map and electronic flight bag).
      6. Loss of, or erroneous, Automatic Dependent Surveillance‐Broadcast (ADS-B) outputs.
      7. Unexpected effects when navigating with conventional NAVAIDS (e.g., if the aircraft is spoofed from the intended flight path, autotuning will not select the nearby NAVAID).
      8. Unanticipated position‐dependent flight management system effects (e.g., erroneous insufficient fuel indication).
      9. Failure or degradation of Air Traffic Management (ATM) infrastructure and its associated systems reliant on GPS, resulting in potential airspace infringements and/or route deviations.
      10. Failure of, or erroneous aircraft clocks (resulting in inability to log on to Controller‐Pilot Data Link Communications CPDLC).
      11. Erroneous wind and ground speed indications.
    4. When flying IFR, pilots should have additional navigation equipment for their intended route to crosscheck their position. Routine checks of position against VOR or DME information, for example, could help detect a compromised GPS signal. Pilots transitioning to VOR navigation in response to GPS anomalies should refer to the Chart Supplement U.S. to identify airports with available conventional approaches associated with the VOR Minimum Operational Network (MON) program. (Reference 1-1-3f.)
    5. Prior to departure, the FAA recommends operators to:
      1. Be aware of potential risk locations.
      2. Check for any relevant Notices to Air Missions (NOTAMs).
      3. Plan fuel contingencies.
      4. Plan to use conventional NAVAIDs and appropriate arrival/approach procedures at the destination.
      5. Follow the detailed guidance from the respective Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM).
    6. During flight, the FAA recommends operators do the following:
      1. Be vigilant for any indication that the aircraft's GPS is disrupted by reviewing the manufacturer's guidance for that specific aircraft type and avionics equipage. Verify the aircraft position by means of conventional NAVAIDs, when available. Indications of jamming and/or spoofing may include:
        1. Changes in actual navigation performance.
        2. Aircraft clock changes (e.g., incorrect time).
        3. Incorrect Flight Management System (FMS) position.
        4. Large shift in displayed GPS position.
        5. Primary Flight Display (PFD)/Navigation Display (ND) warnings about position error.
        6. Other aircraft reporting clock issues, position errors, or requesting vectors.
      2. Assess operational risks and limitations linked to the loss of GPS capability, including any on-board systems requiring inputs from a GPS signal.
      3. Ensure NAVAIDs critical to the operation for the intended route/approach are available.
      4. Remain prepared to revert to conventional instrument flight procedures.
      5. Promptly notify ATC if they experience GPS anomalies. Pilots should not inform ATC of GPS jamming and/or spoofing when flying through known NOTAMed testing areas unless they require ATC assistance. (See paragraph 1-1-13)
    7. Post flight, the FAA recommends operators to:
      1. Document any GPS jamming and/or spoofing in the maintenance log to ensure all faults are cleared.
      2. File a detailed report at the reporting site: Report a GPS Anomaly Federal Aviation Administration,