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This section contains information concerning FAA-issued flight prohibitions for countries and territories outside the United States, advisory notices on potentially hostile situations abroad, and notices issued by foreign governments and civil aviation authorities.

These may affect a pilot’s decision to enter or use areas of foreign or international airspace. During the flight planning process, pilots should review FAA’s Prohibitions, Restrictions, and Notices at for foreign airspace and entry restrictions. Foreign airspace penetration without official authorization can involve extreme danger to the aircraft and the imposition of severe penalties and inconvenience on both passengers and crew. A flight plan on file with ATC authorities does not necessarily constitute the prior permission required by certain authorities. The possibility of fatal consequences cannot be ignored in some areas of the world.

All operators also should check the latest U.S. Department of State Travel Warnings and Public Announcements at, and can obtain additional information by contacting the appropriate foreign government authorities.

D O T Triskelion

U.S. Department of Transportation

Federal Aviation Administration

800 Independence Avenue, SW

Washington, DC 20591

(866) TELL-FAA | (866) 835-5322