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- BPT: !BPT 01/011 BPT AD AP CLSD 2501210300-2501231600
- MRY: !MRY 01/008 MRY AD AP CLSD EXC HEL DLY 0800-1300 2501210800-2501251300
- IAH: !IAH 01/294 IAH AD AP CLSD EXC EMERG ACFT AND LIFE FLT 2HR PPR 281-233-3447 2501210700-2501220600
- LAS: !LAS 12/015 LAS AD AP CLSD TO NON SKED TRANSIENT GA ACFT EXC 24HR PPR 702-261-7775 2412031515-2503192300
- HOU: !HOU 01/075 HOU AD AP CLSD EXC EMERG ACFT AND LIFEFLIGHT 2HR PPR 713-845-6789 2501210600-2501220600
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Whatever the season, learn how the FAA gets your plane there safely.
Passengers, shippers, and air carriers all play a part in protecting the aircraft.
Answers to some of the most common questions about drone use and safety.