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Explanation of Changes. May 2024: minor edits on dates and verb tenses, updated NOTAM reference.


The FAA, through Anchorage Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC), is conducting a multi-phased redesign of the North Pacific (NOPAC) route structure. Anchorage Center implemented a significant portion of the change in February 2023 when it removed two routes to open more airspace for User Preferred Routes (UPR) and flexible routes. On January 25, 2024, Anchorage Center began implementation of a 25 NM laterally spaced ATS (Air Traffic Services) route structure, utilizing the 23 NM lateral reduced separation standard.


In February 2023, Anchorage Center removed ATS (Air Traffic Services) routes R591 and G344. The Center retained the waypoints that defined R591 and G344 to assist operator UPR flight planning.

On January 25, 2024, Anchorage Center established a new westbound route, M523, between routes R220 and R580. M523 is only available to aircraft flying at FL 340 through FL 400. Route R580 became an eastbound-only route.

As of January 25, 2024, operators intending to fly on R220, M523, and R580 from FL 340 through FL 400 must be authorized and equipped for RCP 240, RSP 180, and RNP 4.

Operators without authorization and equipage for RCP 240, RSP 180, and RNP 4 may fly on R220 or R580, however, are limited to FL 330 and below or FL 410 and above. Aircraft without the required authorizations or equipage may operate on or south of route A590.


All operators intending flights over the North Pacific should be familiar with NOTAM A0238/24 issued by Anchorage ARTCC (PAZA). NOTAM A0238/24 contains important information on the requirements related to NOPAC routes R220, M523, and R580.

Operators can view the referenced NOTAMs at Enter ZAN in the Location(s) box. Scroll to find A0238/24.   

All operators should ensure they are flight planning and flying with current databases and charts to ensure they have correct information on the NOPAC route structure.

(Flight Operations Group, Flight Technologies and Procedures Division, Flight Standards Service, June 2024)

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Federal Aviation Administration

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