Domestic Notices publishes special notices or notices containing graphics pertaining to almost every aspect of aviation, such as military training areas, large scale sporting events, air show information, Special Traffic Management Programs (STMPs), and airport-specific information.
Information for Domestic Notices must be submitted electronically to Mission Support Services, Policy (AJV-P12), through the appropriate regional office. Notices will be published on-demand as they are submitted with an allotted 10 days for processing. Domestic Notices for special events may be published up to 60 days prior to the event (to ensure the notice is published 60 days prior to the effective date, please submit 70 days in advance to allow for the 10-day internal processing). Submissions, as well as inquiries, should be addressed to:
Address | Phone Number | |
FAA HQ, Mission Support Services Mission Support Services, Policy (AJV-P) 600 Independence Ave., SW Washington, DC 20597 | | 1-202-267-0140 |
All Government organizations are responsible for viewing, downloading, and subscribing to receive electronic mail notifications when changes occur to this website. Subscribe via the Air Traffic Publications website at
Data in this section is updated continuously on an on-demand basis. Notices will be processed as they are submitted with an allotted 10 days for internal processing. All submissions for inclusion in this section must have regional office approval and be submitted to AJV-P through the regional office.
Notices for events requiring Special Traffic Management Programs (STMP) should be coordinated following the procedures in FAA Order JO 7210.3, Facility Operation and Administration.
Notices submitted for inclusion are published no earlier than 60 days prior to the effective date. Notices that are more permanent in nature may be published until transferred to other appropriate Air Traffic Publications.
Notices may be published for up to one year or until the condition ceases to exist (whichever comes first). Permanent data will be carried until it is sufficiently published or is available in other permanent sources. Notices must be renewed every 12 months until sufficiently published or made available in other permanent sources.
Every notice submitted for inclusion must include the submitting office at the end of the notice; the date the notice is published will be added by the AJV-P12 editor (e.g., AJV-P, 10/10/2020). In addition, all submissions that do not have a specified end date must specify a time frame in which to expect the removal of the notice from the website; notices that are more permanent in nature cannot be published on the Domestic Notices website indefinitely. Regional offices must notify AJV-P12 when notices no longer need to be published.
Notices should be submitted as Word documents. Graphics should be embedded into the notice and must be one of the following formats: SVG, JPEG, or PNG. Do not submit graphics overlaid with text boxes or shapes; text boxes or shapes must be part of the graphic itself. All submitted graphics must be of high quality. Graphics may be submitted in color or black and white. Avoid using white text in any graphic. Copyrighted materials, such as maps, should not be submitted for publication without written permission of the copyright owner. Tables should include a clear header row.
To ensure accessibility, please enter alternative text for all tables and figures. For tables, go to Table Properties and then the Alt Text tab to enter a title and description of the table. For graphics, go to Format Picture, then the Layout & Properties tab, and enter a title and description under the Alt Text dropdown.
If revising a published notice, it is recommended to include an Explanation of Changes paragraph to explain any revisions made. The AJV-P12 editor will denote that the notice was revised in the footer (e.g., AJV-P, Revised 10/10/2020).
See the Domestic and International Notice Template for an example of how to format a notice.