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Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) Aerodrome Data Removal

Purpose: To provide advance notification that the AIP aerodrome data will be removed effective February 20, 2025.

Background: The Policy Directorate (AJV-P) analyzed the AIP as part of a goal to modernize the publication. The aerodrome data published in AD 2 was identified as data that could be removed since it is published elsewhere on the FAA website already; this data published on the website is updated every 28 days versus the data in the AIP that is only updated every 168 days. Removing this data and instead pointing to the already published content on the FAA website will ensure the most up-to-date aerodrome data is being utilized, remove duplicate information, and streamline the publication editing process.

Effective February 20, 2025, Aerodrome information will be removed from the Aerodrome section of the AIP and can be found on the FAA website at or the Electronic National Airspace System Resource (eNASR) at Airport diagrams can also be found in the Terminal Procedures Publication (TPP) at For additional aerodrome information, see the Chart Supplement at

If you have any questions, please contact the AJV-P Correspondence Mailbox at

(AJV-P, Published 06/06/24)

D O T Triskelion

U.S. Department of Transportation

Federal Aviation Administration

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Washington, DC 20591

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