Section 2. Surface Weather Observations

  1. The FAA's Surface Weather Observer Program is a component of the NAS. It combines with other elements of the NAS to ensure the overall safety of air transportation services.
  2. FAA is responsible for certifying all aviation weather observers at FAA-sponsored stations, in one or more of the following observer types:
  1. FAA contract weather observers.
  2. Limited aviation weather reporting station observers.
  3. Non‐federal observation program observers.
  4. Tower visibility observers.

FSS where personnel provide backup/augmentation of automated weather observations, or take manual observations, must use FAA Order JO 7900.5, Surface Weather Observing, as the basic source of guidance for completion of observations. This order provides the practices, procedures, and responsibilities for weather observation services including observations taken to fulfill requirements for augmentation or minimum operational requirements during backup. It also describes the various types of surface observations and prescribes the criteria for taking SPECI observations.

  1. Before assuming full responsibility for taking any type of surface observation or any part thereof, all personnel required to take weather observations must be certified by FAA in accordance with the criteria defined in FAA Order JO 7900.5, Surface Weather Observing.
  2. Required currency shall be maintained by taking observations at a weather reporting location.
  3. Currency records will be maintained in accordance with FAA Order JO 3120.4, Air Traffic Technical Training, FAA Order JO 7900.5, Surface Weather Observing, and local directives.
  1. FAA must not be responsible for providing weather information unless it is directly related to the actual or intended operation of aircraft.
  2. Personnel must not encourage nor solicit nonaviation weather activity.