Section 4. Airport Charting and Publication of Airport Data
- All landing facilities which have received airspace determinations or those not analyzed, must be properly documented and processed in accordance with procedures contained in FAA Order 5010.4, Airport Safety Data Program.
- Landing facilities that have received objectionable airspace determinations must be published in the NFDD as “objectionable.” They must be depicted on VFR aeronautical charts only and without identifying text other than to designate objectionable status. They must not be published in the Chart Supplement.
As part of Mission Support, Aeronautical Information Services (AIS) AJV-A is responsible for the collection, validation, and dissemination of aeronautical information. This office is designated as the focal point for providing aeronautical information/requirements to the aviation industry, the producers of aeronautical charts and publications, and other government agencies and users.
- Airports meeting the criteria below may be charted, provided the data has been processed in accordance with the policy set forth in paragraph 10-4-1.
- Public use airports (including stolports and gliderports.)
- Military airports without charting restrictions.
- Abandoned airports having landmark value.
- Private-use airports having emergency landing or landmark values.
- Public use heliports not associated with an existing airport, private use heliports that have controlled airspace predicted on them, and selected U.S. Forest Service Heliports.
- Ultralight flightparks when of landmark value.
Airports of lesser aeronautical importance may be omitted in congested areas where other airports with adequate and better facilities are available nearby.
- Seaplane bases.
- Airports will be plotted to true geographic positions on charts unless they are in conflict with a navigation aid at the same location. In such cases, the airport will be displaced from, or superimposed upon the navigation aid. However, in displacing for cartographic purposes, the relationship between the airport and navigation aid must be retained.
- Airports will be depicted on aeronautical charts by using the symbols located in the chart's legend. Airports having an ATCT are shown in blue, and all other airports are shown in magenta. Airport names and associated data must be shown in the same color as the airport symbol.