Section 2. Notices

  1. Requirements for notifying the FAA of proposed construction or alteration are contained in Sections 77.9 (see FIG 5-2-1, FIG 5-2-2, FIG 5-2-3, FIG 5-2-4, and FIG 5-2-5).
  2. No notice is required, as specified in Section 77.9(e), for certain equipment installations “of a type approved by the Administrator" when the equipment is installed in accordance with the established FAA siting criteria. Equipment installed in compliance with the siting criteria without waivers and which do not affect other runways do not have to be considered under Part 77 criteria.
  3. Examples of equipment not requiring notice are:
  1. Wind equipment (AWOS, ASOS, AWSS, etc.). Supplemental wind cones, wind turbines, and meteorological towers are not exempt from notice.
  2. Transmissometers (Runway Visibility Value (RVV) and Runway Visual Range (RVR) equipment).
  3. Instrument Landing Systems (ILS).
  4. Visual Glide Slope Indicators (VGSI).
  1. Obstruction Evaluation Group (OEG) personnel must administer aeronautical studies with the coordinated assistance of Airports, Technical Operations Services, Frequency Management, Flight Standards, IFP Service Providers, Department of Defense, and Department of Homeland Security representatives.
  2. The OEG must process notices received under the provisions of Sections 44718 and Part 77 as OE cases. The exception to this is notices received under those provisions that pertain to structures located on a public-use airport which must be processed by the Airports Division as a nonrulemaking airport (NRA) case (defined in Part 3, Airport Airspace Analysis, of this order).
  3. If notice is required by any other FAA regulation, the appropriate division must process the notice under that regulation.

Standard FAA forms are established for use in conducting aeronautical studies. The standard FAA forms are:

  1. FAA Form 7460-1, Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration (OE notice).
  2. FAA Form 7460-2, Notice of Actual Construction or Alteration (Supplemental Notice).


An electronic system to collect notice(s) of proposed construction or alteration and actual construction is available online at

FIG 5-2-1


Notice of Construction or Alteration

§77.9(a) - Any construction or alteration that is more than 200 feet AGL at its site.

A graphic depicting the requirement of a notice for any construction or alteration that is more than 200 feet AGL at its site.

FIG 5-2-2


A graphic depicting the notice requirements related to airports.

Each airport must be available for public use and listed in the Chart Supplement; under construction and the subject of a notice or proposal on file with FAA, and except for DoD airports, it is clearly indicated that airport will be available for public use or for private use which has at least one FAA approved instrument approach procedure, or operated by a Federal agency or the DoD. (Heliports without specified boundaries and seaplane bases without marked sea lanes are excluded.)

§77.9(b) - Any construction or alteration that exceeds an imaginary surface extending outward and upward at any of the following slopes:
(1) 100:1 for a horizontal distance of 20,000 feet from the nearest point of the nearest runway of each airport described in §77.9(d) with its longest runway more than 3,200 feet in actual length, excluding heliports.
(2) 50:1 for a horizontal distance of 10,000 feet from the nearest point of the nearest runway of each airport described in §77.9(d) with its longest runway not more than 3,200 feet in actual length, excluding heliports.

§77.9(d) - Any construction or alteration on any of the following airports and heliports:
(1) A public use in the Chart Supplement U.S., Chart Supplement Alaska, or Chart Supplement Pacific of the U.S. Government Flight Information Publications;
(2) A military airport under construction, or an airport under construction that will be available for public use;
(3) An airport operated by a Federal agency or the Department of Defense;
(4) An airport or heliport with at least one FAA-approved instrument approach procedure. At private use airports with an FAA-approved instrument approach procedure, only the instrument approach procedure will be considered.

FIG 5-2-3


A graphic depicting the notice requirements related to heliports.

Subpart B - Notice of Construction or Alteration
§77.9(b) - Any construction or alteration that exceeds an imaginary surface extending outward and upward at any one of the following slopes:
(1) 25:1 for a horizontal distance of 5,000 feet from the nearest point of the nearest landing and takeoff area of each heliport described in paragraph d of this section.

FIG 5-2-4


A graphic depicting the notice requirements related to traverse ways.

Subpart B - Notice of Construction or Alteration
§77.9 - Construction or alteration requiring notice. (c) Any highway, railroad, or other traverse way for mobile objects, of a height which, if adjusted upward 17 feet for an Interstate Highway that is part of the National System of Military and Interstate Highways where overcrossings are designed for a minimum of 17 feet vertical distance, 15 feet for any other public roadway, 10 feet or the height of the highest mobile object that would normally traverse the road, whichever is greater, for a private road, 23 feet for a railroad, and for a waterway or any other traverse way not previously mentioned, an amount equal to the height of the highest mobile object that would normally traverse it, would exceed a standard of paragraph (a) or (b) of this section.

FIG 5-2-5


Notice of Construction or Alteration

A graphic depicting the notice requirement related to airport instrument approach areas (constructions or alterations).