Section 1. Action
If a determination requires supplemental notice (FAA Form 7460-2) and the expiration date has passed without its receipt, action must be taken to determine construction status. To assist in this process, the automated Follow‐up Report is available to identify those cases that require action. To determine construction status, the Obstruction Evaluation Group (OEG) must forward an automated Project Status Request (PSR) letter to the sponsor. If the sponsor fails to respond to the PSR within 37 days, the OEG may send an automated Termination Project Status Request (TERPSR) letter to terminate the case.
If a previous PSR has been received for the case indicating an FCC application has been made for a construction permit, the case must not be terminated. Consequently, additional attempts must be made to determine construction status.
When a completed PSR is received, the OEG must:
- Ensure that a copy of the Construction Permit (CP) documentation is attached (if the completed PSR indicates “Subject to CP").
- If improper documentation or no documentation is attached, the case may be terminated. Distribute the termination letter as appropriate including a copy to the FCC.
- If proper documentation is attached:
- Retain the completed PSR.
- Make a manual update to the automated OE case file to reflect a follow-up date consistent with the expiration of the CP. If a CP has been applied for but has not been issued, indicate one year later for the new follow-up date.
- If the completed PSR indicates “Not Subject to a CP":
- Retain the completed PSR.
- Terminate the case (send automated TEREXP letter).
- Distribute the termination letter as appropriate including a copy to the FCC.
- If the completed PSR indicates “Project Abandoned," refer to paragraph 8-1-4.
- If the completed PSR indicates “Project Complete," take action that is consistent with receipt of a completed FAA Form 7460-2.
When a completed FAA Form 7460-2 is received, the OEG must immediately:
- Review the form.
- If the form indicates “Project Abandoned," follow procedures outlined in paragraph 8-1-4.
- If the form indicates “Construction Dismantled," follow procedures outlined in paragraph 8-1-5.
- Compare the information on the form with the study file.
- If information on the form differs from the study file, take appropriate action to verify and/or resolve any differences.
- If the submitted information differs from the original evaluation and there is a change in coordinates, heights, frequency(ies), or use of greater transmitting power, the OE automated system may require a new FAA Form 7460-1 electronic filing.
- Upon receiving a completed FAA Form 7460-2, Part 1, if minimum flight altitudes require change or the potential for EMI exists, the OEG will notify impacted air traffic lines of business and/or request NOTAM consideration as applicable.
- To distribute the completed FAA Form 7460-2, Part 2, send one copy to the Obstacle Data Team (ODT) along with a copy of a map and survey (if applicable).
- Make the necessary manual updates to the automated OE case file.
When notification of an abandonment is received, the OEG must:
- Retain the correspondence or record of conversation notifying that the project has been abandoned.
- Terminate the case (send an automated TERABA letter).
- Distribute the termination letter, as appropriate. If the termination is for an FCC involved structure, send a copy to the FCC.
When notification of a dismantled structure is received, the OEG must:
- Retain the correspondence notifying that the project has been dismantled.
- Make a manual update to the automated OE case file if available.
- Notify ODT and FCC (if it is involved), and FPT of the dismantled structure by sending a copy of the received correspondence.