Section 2. Processing
- Submit restricted area proposals to the Service Center OSG at least 9 months prior to the desired effective date (see paragraph 21-3-3 for proposal content). The following schedule is an estimate of the minimum time needed to process proposals that require only routine coordination.
Proposals that are complex, controversial, or require extensive environmental analysis could need additional processing time beyond that shown in TBL 23-2-1.
- Permanent restricted area effective dates must coincide with the 56-day charting dates published in FAA Order 8260.26. To the extent practicable, restricted area rules should become effective on a sectional chart date.
- After the notice of proposed rulemaking comment period ends and review of all pertinent information is complete, Service Centers must submit SUA proposals recommended for approval to the Rules and Regulations Group, AJV-P2, for final determination and processing in accordance with paragraph 21-5-7.
Calendar Days |
Action |
D |
Proposal received by ATO Service Center OSG. |
D+30 |
Proposal reviewed by Service Center OSG; processing requirements initiated in accordance with paragraph 21-5-2 ; proposal request sent to the Rules and Regulations Group, AJV-P2, to begin Rulemaking Process. |
D+95 |
Proposal request reviewed by the Rules and Regulations Group, AJV-P2; NPRM drafted, coordinated, and submitted to the Federal Register for publication. |
D+105 |
NPRM published in Federal Register. Public comment period begins. |
D+150 |
Public comment period ends. Service Center OSG initiates review of all pertinent information received. |
D+180 |
All pertinent information reviewed by the Service Center OSG; proposal determination made in accordance with paragraph 21-5-5. Submit approval recommendations to the Rules and Regulations Group, AJV-P2, in accordance with paragraph 21-5-7. |
D+240 |
Service Center OSG recommendations and all pertinent information reviewed by the Rules and Regulations Group, AJV-P2. FAA final determination made. If approved, rule drafted, coordinated and submitted to the Federal Register for publication. |
D+250 |
Rule published in Federal Register (at least 58 days prior to effective date). |
- Temporary restricted areas are subject to the same rulemaking processing (e.g., NPRM and final rule) and environmental analysis requirements as permanent areas. Temporary restricted area effective dates are determined by the exercise or mission requirements rather than the standard 56-day chart cycle and are published in the Domestic Notices found in the Federal NOTAM System (FNS) External Links on the Air Traffic Plans and Publications website early enough to provide the public 28 days notification.
- The FAA will attempt to accommodate changes in temporary restricted area proposals; however, rulemaking requirements may not permit late changes to the airspace proposed in the NPRM without causing a delay in the planned exercise start date. Significant changes to the proposal after the NPRM is published could necessitate an additional public comment period, further study of the aeronautical impact, and/or supplemental environmental analysis. Early planning, careful ground site selection, and close coordination between concerned parties throughout the entire planning process are essential.
Calendar Days |
Action |
D |
Proposal received by ATO Service Center OSG. |
D+30 |
Proposal reviewed by Service Center OSG processing requirements initiated in accordance with paragraph 21-5-2; proposal request sent to the Rules and Regulations Group, AJV-P2, to begin Rulemaking Process. |
D+95 |
Proposal request reviewed by the Rules and Regulations Group, AJV-P2; NPRM drafted, coordinated, and submitted to the Federal Register for publication. |
D+105 |
NPRM published in Federal Register. Public comment period begins. |
D+150 |
Public comment period ends. Service Center OSG initiates review of all pertinent information received. |
D+180 |
All pertinent information reviewed by Service Center OSG; proposal determination made in accordance with paragraph 21-5-5. Submit approval recommendations to the Rules and Regulations Group, AJV-P2, in accordance with paragraph 21-5-7. |
D+240 |
Service Center OSG recommendations and all pertinent information reviewed by the Rules and Regulations Group, AJV-P2. FAA final determination made. If approved, rule drafted, coordinated and submitted to the Federal Register for publication. |
D+250 |
Publish in the Federal NOTAM System (FNS) External Links on the Air Traffic Plans and Publications website early enough to provide public 28 days notification. |