Section 3. Aeronautical Determinations

  1. All determinations for an outdoor laser operation must be issued in writing.
  2. Determinations rendered must either be objectionable or non-objectionable. A non-objectionable letter of determination (LOD) issued by the FAA is not permission nor an endorsement of the outdoor laser operation.
  3. Determinations may be telephoned to the proponent and to the CDRH; however, each must be followed up with a written response.
  4. Send a copy of the LOD to the military liaison offices, RNGB and geographic field office/FSDO, affected ATC facilities, and other offices as appropriate.
  5. Forward a copy of objectionable LODs to Rules and Regulations Group.
  6. The iOE/AAA, Laser Module may be used in lieu of sending copies when feasible.
  1. As a minimum, letters of non-objection determinations must:
  1. Include a listing of any provisions, conditions, or limitations.
  2. Inform the proponent not to incorporate change(s) into the proposed activity once a non-objection LOD has been issued unless the Service Center OSG amends the LOD change in writing.
  3. Stipulate a requirement that proponents must notify the FAA designated representative of:
  1. Any changes to show “start/stop" times or cancellation 24 hours in advance.
  2. The laser light activity 30 minutes before start time and upon completion.
  1. Include a statement advising the proponent that the determination is based on FAA requirements only and final approval must also be obtained from the appropriate authority.
  2. Specify that the FAA determination does not relieve the sponsor or operator of compliance responsibilities related to laws, ordinances or regulation of any federal, state, or local government.
  3. Include the name and telephone number of the ATC facility to be notified and other information as deemed appropriate.
  4. Indicate NOTAM requirements.
  1. An objectionable LOD must inform the proponent:
  1. That a determination of objection is being issued.
  2. Why the proposal does not satisfy FAA requirements.
  3. That supplementary information may be submitted for reconsideration.
  1. If negotiations to resolve any objectionable effects are not successful, the determination of objection stands.
  1. When the Service Center OSG issues a determination of non-objection, consider the time of duration (in days) of the laser activity.
  2. The Service Center OSG must review these publications for currency of published laser operations bi-annually. The Service Center will initiate paperwork to delete or amend any published information that requires amending.
  3. The Service Center OSG will forward to Aeronautical Information Services (AIS) AJV-A information for publication as follows:
  1. Class II Publications. Temporary laser operations at a specific location that will exceed 56 days but less than 180 days.


Publication in the Class II publication is dependent on established cutoff dates.

  1. Appropriate aeronautical charts. Laser operations at a specific location that will exceed 180 days or are considered permanent.
  2. Chart Supplement. Publish in the Chart Supplement laser operations that will exceed 180 days at a specific location.