Section 1. General
This chapter provides guidance, policies, and procedures for processing requests for parasail operations in the NAS.
- Title 49 of the U.S. Code (49 U.S.C), Section 40103 gives the Administrator the authority to regulate, control, develop plans for, and formulate policies with respect to the use of the navigable airspace.
- Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) Part 101 prescribes in part, rules governing the operation of kites in the United States.
- The FAA's Office of General Counsel has determined that parasail operations are subject to the requirements for kites under Part 101.
- The FAA's primary mission is to mitigate impacts to the NAS from parasail operations. The FAA has no authority regarding the parasail vessel, or the rigging of the parasail itself.
- Waiver requests should be processed in accordance with the guidance contained in FAA Order JO 7210.3, Chapter 19, Waivers, Authorizations and Exemptions.
- ATO Service Centers must provide all issued waivers for parasail operations to the Flight Standards District Office nearest the location of the proposed operation.
The FAA or DoD ATC facility having control jurisdiction over the affected airspace where the parasail operation is projected to operate must be designated as the controlling facility. When an operation may impact multiple facilities, one facility will be designated as the lead and be designated as the controlling facility. The controlling facility will be responsible for the execution of the appropriate airspace management.
- FAA Order JO 7210.3, Facility Operation and Administration, contains guidance and policy for processing waiver/authorizations and is applicable to waiver/authorizations issued for parasail operations.
- ASTM F3099-14, Standard Practices for Parasailing, contains guidelines for the operation, maintenance, and inspection of parasail vessels, equipment, and associated activities including crew training and flying passengers aloft in a parasail.