Section 2. Air Traffic Representative (ATREP)
In cooperation with the appropriate military authority, Service Center Operation Support Groups assign ATREPs by geographic area to military air traffic control facilities.
FAA ATREP functions are listed in Article IV of the Memorandum of Agreement between the Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, and the U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, and U.S. Air Force in Appendix 4 of this order.
ATREPs are encouraged to coordinate familiarization flights with units within their respective area of responsibility whenever possible. When unit resources are available and unit mission is not degraded, the ATREP should attempt to complete a flight every 6 months in each unit-equipped aircraft or simulator.
When required to be absent from their assigned duties, the ATREP must:
- Notify the appropriate military authority and FAA facilities, and furnish the name and contact information of the designated alternate.
- Notify the designated alternate and apprise them of matters requiring ATREP services.
In order to ensure continuing FAA representation, an appropriately qualified alternate ATREP must be designated to substitute for the assigned specialist during periods of extended absence.
The alternate must perform the ATREP functions to the maximum extent possible.
The ATREP and their designated alternate must coordinate to ensure familiarity with air traffic control facilities.
FAA Service Areas must ensure that an ATREP and their designated alternate are not unavailable for the same period.