Section 1. General
MRU/ARU/AWACS are not commissioned ATC facilities. Therefore, they must not be authorized nor requested to provide ATC services. Military command and control functions, including traffic advisories, will be provided to participating military/military contract aircraft operating within activated Airspace. The activated Airspace will be released to the MRU by the appropriate ATC facility, as identified in FAA Order JO 7400.10, Special Use Airspace, and in accordance with Letters of Agreement (LOA).
The pilot in command is responsible to ensure that their operation is contained within the assigned ATCAA/SUA and must maintain last ATC assigned altitude and route of flight until entering active ATCAA/SUA.
An MRU may be used for radar monitoring in planned exercises or daily training under the following conditions:
- The MRU will assist aircraft under its jurisdiction to remain within the ATCAA/SUA released to the unit by ATC.
- The use of an MRU and the associated ATCAA/SUA must be fully coordinated with the affected ATC facilities.
- Radar correlation checks and two-way communication with ATC must be accomplished prior to providing services in released airspace.
Radar correlation checks are accomplished daily unless there is a change in equipment status.
An ARU may be used for radar monitoring or as an extension of an MRU in planned exercises or daily training under the following conditions:
- The ARU will assist aircraft under its jurisdiction to remain within the ATCAA/SUA released to the unit by ATC through the MRU.
- The use of an ARU and the associated ATCAA/SUA must be fully coordinated between the MRU and the affected ATC facilities.
- Radar correlation checks and two-way communication with the MRU must be accomplished by ARU crew prior to providing services in airspace released to ARU.
An AWACS may be used as an MRU in planned exercises or daily training under the following conditions:
- The AWACS will assist aircraft under its jurisdiction to remain within the airspace released to the unit by ATC.
- The use of the AWACS and the associated ATCAA/SUA is fully coordinated with affected air traffic control facilities.
- When the AWACS cannot establish direct two-way communication with ATC for transfer of flight information, a ground-based MRU/ADCF may be designated to facilitate coordination. Ground-based MRU/ADCFs must be identified in letters of procedure/agreement with affected ATC facilities before being used in this capacity.
In addition to the responsibilities specified in paragraph 8-1-4, the following responsibilities/requirements/limitations apply to the AWACS aircraft for MRU operations.
- AWACS orbit areas must be established and oriented to ensure continuous communications capability both with the appropriate ATC facilities and the aircraft under AWACS jurisdiction in designated airspace.
- The AWACS must not provide services below FL 180 within U.S. airspace or in offshore airspace in which domestic ATC service is exercised, unless the AWACS's primary and secondary (IFF) radars are operational.
- All missions in which the AWACS will function as an MRU/ARU must be fully coordinated through the 552nd Air Control Wing with the appropriate ATC facility(s) at least 4 days prior to mission execution using a mutually agreed-upon checklist of the necessary data to be coordinated. In the event of dynamic AWACS mission changes the ATC facility(s) may allow AWACS to coordinate MRU/ARU operations inside of the 4 day coordination window.
- Radar correlation must be accomplished by AWACS crew prior to providing services in airspace released to AWACS. The following procedures apply:
- AWACS radar will conduct an internal system cross-correlation check. If internal system cross checks cannot be validated, the AWACS will be treated as an ARU or the mission terminated until validation can be completed.
- The AWACS mission crew must notify the appropriate ARTCC/CERAP/HCF or control facility of the internal system correlation check accuracy.
- In the event AWACS primary/secondary radar, computer, or Navigation Computer System (NCS) is inoperable due to a malfunction, another internal correlation check will be accomplished prior to resumption as an MRU.
- In the event the AWACS radar system is inoperable for any reason, another correlation check must be required prior to resumption as a MRU.
- Scrambles must not be initiated by the AWACS for active air defense missions. This does not preclude the coordination of scrambles through the NORAD Region/Sector or the testing of mutually developed procedures for AWACS issued scramble orders.
- AAMS information will not be provided to the AWACS mission crew by the ARTCC/CERAP/HCF.
An MRU/ARU/AWACS may be used as a TM in planned exercises or daily training under the following conditions:
- Responsibility for the ATC released airspace lies with the military aircraft that scheduled and are flying within the SUA/ATCAA. These aircraft must comply with Autonomous Operations for air traffic control purposes while in the SUA/ATCAA.
- TMs do not accept responsibility for SUA/ATCAA.
- TMs will provide necessary tactical information/guidance for the military aircraft operating in SUA/ATCAA to complete mission training.
The MRU/ARUs will not be involved in the transfer of control of aircraft to/from an ATC facility. Transfer of flight information must be accomplished directly between the MRU/ARU and the appropriate ATC facility as specified in a letter of agreement.
- Flight information must be transferred prior to the aircraft entering and/or leaving the ATCAA/SUA.
- MRU/ARU must transfer communications of participating aircraft to ATC as soon as practical after the Transfer of Flight Information has been accomplished. In the event the transfer of flight information from the MRU/ARU to the ATC facility cannot be accomplished, the MRU/ARU will assist the flight in remaining within the assigned ATCAA/SUA. The MRU/ARU must retain communications with and radar-monitor the aircraft until further clearance is received from ATC.
In the event communication cannot be established with ATC, the MRU will instruct the flight to contact the ATC facility and request instructions prior to exiting the ATCAA/SUA.
Where control of military activities is delegated to MRUs, qualified FAA personnel must provide technical assistance, as required/requested, to familiarize military personnel with applicable procedures and related responsibilities. Where assigned, the NORAD/U.S. Indo-Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM) air defense liaison officer (ADLO) or AWACS ADLO must be responsible for this function. At other locations, the FAA Service Area must designate the office or facility responsible for this function. Where service cannot be provided within currently available resources, FAA Service Areas/facilities should initiate appropriate programming action to support the training/research, development, test and evaluation (RDT&E) activity.
- The following applies to VFR non-participating aircraft penetration of active MOA/Warning Areas.
- ATC facilities providing radar advisory service to VFR non-participating aircraft must alert them of the active MOA/Warning Area. If the pilot indicates that the aircraft will penetrate the areas, ATC must advise the MRU of the VFR penetration and transfer flight information on the VFR non-participating aircraft to the MRU.
- The MRU/ARU must pass the flight information to all affected participating aircraft.
- It is the pilot's responsibility for separation from non-participating aircraft.
- For separation between participating aircraft and non-participating IFR aircraft transiting Restricted Areas, ATCAAs and Warning Areas, ATC facilities must:
- Provide separation between participating and non-participating IFR aircraft cleared to transit an ATCAA/SUA. Such separation must be accomplished by coordination with the MRU at least 5 minutes prior to the ATCAA/SUA boundary penetration to obtain from the MRU a release to ATC of altitude(s) and/or flight level(s) throughout the entire ATCAA/SUA. ATCAA/SUA sub-areas may be used in separation if depicted on all involved units radars. ATC will transfer flight information of non-participating aircraft to the MRU.
ATC retains the authority to recall delegated airspace as specified in a LOA.
- Coordinate, track/log spill-in/out aircraft as required.
For spill outs not involving a loss of separation, see the reporting requirements in JO 7210.632 (Air Traffic Organization Occurrence Reporting).
- Provide IFR services to participating aircraft within the ATCAA/SUA as required.
- Provide ATC advisory service when the MRU/ARU loses radar or communication capability as coordinated.
- Actively monitor airspace for spill-in/out aircraft.
Airspace may be released to an MRU in accordance with a letter of agreement to accommodate training/RDT&E activity requiring military radar control provided:
- ATC must resolve all conflicts prior to releasing ATCAA/SUA to the MRU.
- The MRU must provide external boundary calls to participating aircraft to assist the pilot in remaining within airspace boundaries.
- The Using Agency assumes responsibility for separation of participating aircraft within the ATCAA/SUA.
- MRUs will assist participating aircraft in avoiding all observed non-participating traffic through the issuance of radar traffic information.
- The MRU must confirm the assigned altitude block within the ATCAA/SUA with participating aircraft upon initial contact/airspace entry to ensure each is familiar with the vertical airspace limits.
The Using Agency must be responsible for ensuring that equipment performance and staffing of the MRU are adequate for proper execution of the letter of agreement. The MRU must:
- Have two-way, direct access (voice page), recorded communications with ATC facility at all times.
- In the event transfer of flight information from MRU to ATC facility cannot be accomplished in a timely manner, MRU will assist the flight in remaining within the assigned area and must retain communications with and radar monitor the aircraft until further clearance is received from the ATC facility.
- When communications cannot be established, instruct aircraft to contact the ATC facility prior to exiting ATCAA/SUA.
- Provide radar traffic advisory service to participating military aircraft.
- Provide external ATCAA/SUA boundary calls to participating aircraft, under its jurisdiction, to assist the pilot in remaining within the limits of altitudes and within the boundary of airspace released to the unit by ATC as specified in paragraph 8-1-10, Release of Airspace.
- Immediately advise the controlling agency whenever participating aircraft cannot remain within the boundary of the allocated airspace via a “Whiskey Alert”.
- The phrase “WHISKEY ALERT” via direct communications will be used to preface any call notifying ATC/MRU/ARU that a spill out/in is imminent or taking place.
- WHISKEY ALERT notification must include the following information:
- Location
- Code
- Altitude
- Intentions/coordination to resolve conflicts
- Heading (time permitting)
- Call sign/type (time permitting)
- Provide military command and control functions as directed by military authorities.
- Relay all ATC clearances verbatim and preface each clearance with “ATC clears”.
- Advise the associated ATC facility whenever the activities within the delegated airspace are terminated.
- Issue weather as coordinated with ATC Facility.
- If received, provide Pilot Reports (PIREPS) to ATC facility for forwarding to METRO.
- Inform ATC facility of communication and/or radar loss at MRU affecting mission operations.
- Return to ATC facility any portion of ATCAA/SUA airspace not required to complete missions.
- Return airspace to ATC facility as directed.
- Provide check-in/area brief services as outlined in LOA.
- Not direct or approve uncoordinated changes to altitude, route of flight, or squawk on aircraft prior to entering ATCAA/SUA.
- Coordinate with ATC facility any special handling requirements/requests from aircraft.
- MRU/ARU must immediately notify all aircraft in the ATCAA/SUA of the radar outage.
- MRU must immediately notify ATC Facility of the radar outage affecting mission operations and implement established procedures per LOA.
- ATC Facility must:
- Immediately notify MRU of the radar outage.
- Inform MRU all aircraft exiting ATCAA/SUA will be required to exit VFR (below flight level 180) or in accordance with LOA procedures.
- MRU/ARU must:
- Immediately notify all aircraft in the ATCAA/SUA that ATC Facility has had a radar failure.
- Inform all participating aircraft to exit ATCAA/SUA VFR (below flight level 180) or in accordance with LOA procedures.
MRUs may be authorized to provide military command and control service within ATCAA/SUA to military aircraft participating in daily training/RDT&E activities or planned exercises when the following conditions are met:
- The staffing and personnel qualifications of the MRU meets acceptable standards as determined jointly by FAA and military.
- The radar presentation and equipment performance of the unit is adequate for the service being provided as determined jointly by FAA and military.
- MRUs have adequate video mapping, map overlays, or computer-generated displays on radar scopes to show lateral limits of the area, common reference points, and other pertinent data as determined locally by the military/FAA facility involved.
- Two-way, direct access (voice page), recorded communications are provided by the military between the MRU and each ATC facility sharing a common boundary with the area in which training/RDT&E activity is being conducted. For AWACS MRU operations, adequate communications must be established between the AWACS mission crew and the ATC facility operating positions affected to support the mission activity to be conducted. AWACS mission requirements must not exceed the ATC communication capability.
Command and Control (C2) is not an air traffic control function. Command and Control is defined as “The exercise of authority and direction by a properly designated commander over assigned and attached forces in the accomplishment of the mission. Command and control functions are performed through an arrangement of personnel, equipment, communications, facilities, and procedures employed by a commander in planning, directing, coordinating, and controlling forces and operations in the accomplishment of the mission. [JP1-A]”
ATC facilities must provide separation between nonparticipating IFR aircraft cleared to transit an ATCAA/SUA. Such separation must be accomplished by coordination with the MRU at least 5 minutes prior to the ATCAA/SUA boundary penetration to obtain from the MRU a release to ATC of altitude(s) and/or flight level(s) throughout the entire ATCAA/SUA. A transfer of flight information of nonparticipating aircraft will be effected with the MRU by ATC.
ATC retains the authority to take back the airspace as specified in a letter of agreement.