Section 7. Special/Emergency ALTRVs
When requested, ALTRVs must be provided for aircraft transporting the President or the Vice President when conducting international flights. Headquarters USAF will authorize a Class One order of precedence for those flights.
- The appropriate military authority will provide CARF with detailed flight plan information, both to the destination and return, as far in advance as possible.
- CARF must arrange for ALTRVs for Presidential and Vice Presidential rescue support aircraft.
- ALTRV requests which do not qualify under the provisions of this section and cannot otherwise be accomplished will be handled on an individual basis.
- Such ALTRV requests must be forwarded, with accompanying justification, to the David J. Hurley Air Traffic Control System Command Center, ATTN: Central Altitude Reservation Function, 3701 Macintosh Drive, Warrenton, Virginia 20187. A waiver will be issued by CARF if deemed appropriate.
- All originating units must process such requests through channels to the appropriate Command Headquarters for transmittal to CARF.
CARF or an ARTCC/CERAP/HCF may approve a request for an emergency ALTRV if the safety of life or property is threatened. Operations such as search and rescue, hurricane evacuation, or mass air evacuation may be considered in this category. When an ARTCC/CERAP/HCF approves an ALTRV under this paragraph, the following actions must be taken: