Section 2. Central Altitude Reservation Function (CARF)
Coordinate international altitude reservation (ALTRV) request with the appropriate foreign altitude reservation facilities in accordance with CARF letters of agreement. This includes missions that depart from points within a control area/flight information region (CTA/FIR) in which the United States is responsible for the provision of air traffic services and enters a CTA or FIR in which a foreign country is responsible for the provision of air traffic services.
Do not coordinate or approve classified missions that penetrate a CTA/FIR in which another country provides air traffic services, unless authorized in advance by the appropriate military authority. See subparagraph 4-10-1b.
- CARF is authorized to approve an ALTRV in any CTA/FIR in which the United States is responsible for the provision of air traffic services, except in the territorial airspace of a foreign country, when authorized by the appropriate authorities of the foreign country:
- FL 240 and above west of the 100th meridian.
- FL 180 and above east of the 100th meridian.
- CARF is the final approval authority for any ALTRV departing United States airspace which traverses or penetrates airspace outside a CTA/FIR in which the United States is responsible for the provision of air traffic services, regardless of the ALTRV location or start point.
CARF must:
- Transmit all ALTRV APREQs to the appropriate U.S. ARTCC/CERAP/HCF and International Altitude Reservation Facilities as per letter of agreement and list those facilities in Item G of the ALTRV APREQ per section 10 of this chapter.
This includes aircraft departing a point in the U.S. on a DD-175/1801 and beginning an ALTRV in Canadian airspace.
- Normally, CARF will transmit the APREQ to impacted ARTCC/CERAP/HCFs prior to issuing an approval.
- When mission requirements or timeliness dictate, coordinate as needed by telephone, facsimile machine, or other electronic means.
The APREQ coordination requirement may be waived in a national emergency.
- Ensure Pacific Military Altitude Reservation Facility/European Central Altitude Reservation Facility (PACMARF/EUCARF) are addressed on the military ALTRV APREQ for any mission that departs U.S. airspace and traverses their countries' FIRs or penetrates their traffic.
- Advise all concerned ATC/international altitude reservation facilities and the project officer of any change to the original ALTRV APREQ prior to issuing a final ALTRV approval.
- Process changes submitted by the project officer and ATC/international altitude reservation facilities.
- Process all requests for ALTRVs in airspace above FL 600 in accordance with the provisions contained within this order for stationary and moving ALTRVs.
CARF must be the final approval authority for any ALTRV departing a point within the United States CTA/FIR, regardless of the ALTRV start point, except as provided for in paragraph 4-3-2. CARF must:
- Forward ALTRV APVLs to all concerned at least 24 hours prior to the proposed departure time, unless a shorter time is coordinated with all concerned U.S. ARTCC/CERAP/HCF facilities. If special instructions are required concerning the delivery of the APVL to the project officer, they are to be included in the ALTRV APVL message. Forward ALTRV APVLs to the following:
- Concerned U.S. ARTCC/CERAP/HCF facilities.
- International altitude reservation facilities, as appropriate.
- Message originator.
- Tanker support unit, when forwarding information is provided.
- Other parties as requested in Item G of the ALTRV APREQ.
- Provide the following information in Item G of the ALTRV APVL:
- Location indicators of the recognized international altitude reservation facilities and U.S. air traffic control facilities concerned with the mission.
- Whenever the requested altitudes include uncontrolled airspace, include the phrase “NOTE ALTRV APVL VALID IN CONTROLLED AIRSPACE ONLY.”
- Precede a No-Notice ALTRV APVL message with “This is a (executing command) No-Notice Mission.”
- Process proposed changes in an ALTRV APVL:
- At least 24 hours prior to departure.
- With less than the time specified above, subject to CARF discretion after approval from the affected ATC facilities.
- Process the ALTRV in accordance with the above procedures and obtain APVL from facilities which abut the U.S. CTA/FIR whenever the ALTRV is penetrating traffic.
Disseminate ALTRV cancellations to impacted U.S. air traffic facilities and recognized international altitude reservation facilities as soon as practicable.
Coordinate with the appropriate international altitude reservation facilities in accordance with the applicable letters of agreement to obtain approval for ALTRV APREQs encompassing airspace under such facilities' jurisdiction.
Missions with higher precedence will be afforded priority over lower precedence missions when resolving a conflict. CARF will coordinate with the project officer for resolution of conflicts between missions. Information pertaining to a No-Notice mission conflict must not be divulged to anyone other than the designated trusted agents (see paragraph 4-3-7, Trusted Agents).
CARF is responsible for the formulation and dissemination of Altitude Reservation NOTAMs for the portion of the ALTRV in the U.S. CTA/FIR that CARF is the approval authority (see paragraph 4-8-1, NOTAM Criteria).
When requested, acknowledge receipt of ALTRV APREQs to the originator.
Handle all ALTRV messages exchanged between CARF and ATC facilities, which are classified as EFTO via Defense Communication Systems, in accordance with FAA Order 1600.8, Communications Security (COMSEC). EFTO messages cannot be transmitted to foreign altitude reservation facilities.
CARF is authorized to enter into letters of agreement as necessary to improve the coordination and processing of ALTRV requests provided that such agreements are not contrary to the provisions of this order.