Section 2. Procedures
- The ATCAA proponent will submit their ATCAA proposal to the controlling agency, pre-coordinating with any other affected ATC facilities. The ATCAA proposal, coordination, and approval actions will be based on the type of ATCAA requested:
- ATCAA with SUA. For an ATCAA to be established or modified at the same time as an associated SUA, the proponent must submit the ATCAA information with the SUA proposal in accordance with FAA Order JO 7400.2, Chapter 21, Section 3, SUA Proposals. The FAA's Service Center EPS requires both the ATCAA and the SUA information to complete a thorough environmental review per paragraph 9-3-1 below. As part of this process, the controlling agency will continue to serve as the approval authority for the ATCAA portion of the proposal.
- Stand-alone ATCAA. For a stand-alone ATCAA to be established or modified, the proponent must submit the proposal directly to the controlling agency responsible for the airspace the ATCAA falls within. Proponents should use paragraph 9-2-2 of this order when preparing the proposal and must clearly justify why an ATCAA is needed.
- The controlling agency, in coordination with any other affected ATC facilities, must evaluate all ATCAA proposals for potential aeronautical impacts on non-participating air traffic and facility operations.
- As the ATCAA aeronautical proposal is being developed, the using and controlling agencies are encouraged to pre-coordinate the draft proposal with the Service Center Operations Support Group (OSG) to address subsequent environmental review requirements.
- ATCAAs should be designed to limit the amount of airspace to the minimum required to meet the need of the proponent. ATCAAs should be designed with subdivisions, laterally and/or vertically, to maximize the ATCAA utilization and minimize the impact to the NAS and other airspace users.
- After accomplishing an aeronautical review, the controlling agency must submit ATCAA proposals they support to the Service Center EPS for environmental review in accordance with the process outlined in paragraph 9-3-1 of this order.
- The controlling agency will ensure an approved ATCAA is entered into the Military Airspace Data Entry/Special Use Airspace Management System (MADE/SAMS) and is available for scheduling prior to use of the ATCAA.
- In the event a proponent's ATCAA proposal concept has failed to receive ATC facility(ies) concurrence, constructive feedback or operationally feasible alternatives/mitigations, the proponent should coordinate with the Service Center MILREP and FAA ATREP to resolve the concern.
For all ATCAA requests, the proponent must provide the following data to the controlling agency:
- Proponent's Transmittal Letter. Summarize the proposal and provide a point of contact for further information. Military proposals must include a military representative endorsement.
- Area Description. Using the guidelines in FAA Order JO 7400.2, Chapter 21, Section 1 and Section 2, describe the proposed area as follows:
- Title. State name of proposed ATCAA area(s).
- Boundaries. A description of the proposed ATCAA boundary and any subdivisions.
All geographic coordinates must be based on North American Datum 83 (NAD 83).
- Altitudes. State the floor and ceiling of the proposed ATCAA. List altitudes 18,000 feet mean sea level (MSL) and above as flight levels. List altitudes below 18,000 feet MSL as feet above MSL. Where terrain considerations or other factors would make the use of an MSL altitude impractical, the floor of the area may be described in feet above ground level (AGL).
- Times of use. State the times of use to be published for the area(s). Include an estimate of the expected ATCAA usage in number of hours per day and days per year. In cases where the unit plans to use the airspace during different blocks of time each day, describe those planned operations to provide as accurate a picture as possible of the projected daily use of the airspace.
- Controlling agency. State the FAA or military ATC facility to be designated as the controlling agency for the proposed ATCAA.
- Using agency. State the organization to be designated as the using agency for the proposed ATCAA. Specify the military service, unit or organization, and location. For non-military using agencies, specify the organization name and location.
- Airspace Statement of Need and Justification.
- Describe the purpose and need for the proposed ATCAA. Sufficient justification must be provided to support approval of the proposal. Additionally, any known or anticipated aeronautical impact(s) on other airspace users must be considered and addressed in the proposal, including proposed mitigations, if any, to lessen the impact(s).
- For new ATCAA areas, explain why the requirement cannot be met by using or modifying an existing ATCAA. List ATCAAs that were considered and explain why each area is not acceptable.
- For proposals to increase the dimensions or times of use of an existing ATCAA, explain the need for the increase.
- Coordinate with the Service Center Environmental Specialist to ensure the Airspace Statement of Need and Justification is consistent with the Statement of Purpose and Need and alternatives in the applicable NEPA document.
- Special Use Airspace (SUA). State whether the ATCAA is requested to support proposed or existing SUA, including the SUA dimensions and times of use.
- SUA information is requested in the proposal solely to assist the FAA in evaluating the overall aeronautical impact of the ATCAA proposal.
- ATCAAs below FL180 and ALTRVs must not be used as a substitute for SUA when conducting activities for which a SUA is designed to contain. Since ATCAAs and ALTRVs are not depicted on aeronautical charts, they do not inform the flying public of the location of the activity as is provided by charted SUA. Additionally, ATCAAs and ALTRVs are not to be used as an interim solution while a SUA proposal is pending.
- Activities. List all activities to be conducted in the proposed ATCAA. Include the following information:
- The number and types of aircraft that will normally use the area.
- A listing of the specific activities and the maximum altitudes required for each type of activity planned.
- State whether supersonic flight will be conducted.
- Environmental and Land Use Information. In coordination with the Service Center OSG EPS, furnish the name, organization, and mailing address of the person to whom comments on environmental and land use aspects of the proposal may be sent.
- Safety Considerations. Include an explanation of the following items, if applicable:
- Measures taken to ensure containment of the activities within the proposed area.
- Procedures for handling malfunctions.
- Proposal Pre-Coordination. List the ATC facilities, military units, and/or other organizations contacted in developing the ATCAA proposal.
- Environmental Documents. Submit applicable environmental documents in accordance with paragraph 9-3-1 of this order. If the environmental review is incomplete, indicate the status and estimated completion date.
- Other. Include any additional information that should be considered by the FAA in making its determination of the proposal.
- Specific procedures and conditions for scheduling and activating each ATCCA subdivision should be spelled out in a Letter of Agreement prior to the use of ATCAA.
- Only the ATCAA subdivisions needed to meet mission requirements should be scheduled
- ATCAA should be scheduled for the minimum time needed to complete the mission and returned to the controlling agency when the ATCAA is no longer required for its designated purpose.