Section 1. General


This chapter describes exercise requirements, policy, procedures, and criteria for planning military aviation exercises.


Exercises will be planned, insofar as possible, to be conducted within U.S. controlled airspace. Exercise planners must coordinate with the affected ATC facilities all pertinent data relative to the mission. During initial planning with FAA, a decision will be made to determine the capability of FAA to provide ATC services for the entire exercise, or the extent to which services can be provided. Airspace requirements must be identified at this initial planning stage to ensure adequate processing time for airspace actions. Efforts will be made to minimize conflicts with other operations being conducted in the area.


ATC services to exercise aircraft must be predicated on the following:

  1. Issuance of an appropriate ATC clearance. This includes filing a flight plan for each departure. The method of filing may be determined at the local level.
  2. Pilot adherence to procedures, routes, and altitudes as agreed to between military users and air route traffic control centers (ARTCCs) through letters of agreement (LOAs), and/or Special Instructions (SPINS).
  3. Aircraft participating in planned exercises must be afforded ATC clearances as agreed upon through LOAs.
  4. Procedures for an altitude reservation (ALTRV) required in the conduct of an exercise are contained in Chapter 4 of this order.
  1. The establishment of special use airspace (SUA) as defined in FAA Order JO 7400.2, Procedures for Handling Airspace Matters, for planned exercises must be processed through the appropriate FAA Service Area. Other exercise-related airspace needs, such as ATCAA, aerial refueling tracks, etc., must be coordinated with the appropriate ARTCC.
  2. Exercise airspace should be approved provided the airspace requirements will not impose an unreasonable burden upon the National Airspace System.
  3. The appropriate military authority, when denied exercise airspace, may request the Service Area military representative to obtain further consideration from the appropriate FAA Air Traffic Service Area.
  4. LOAs for exercise operations in ATCAA, stereo-type flight plans, and other exercise procedures must be coordinated with the ARTCCs concerned at least 45 days prior to the beginning of the proposed exercise.

To assist FAA and military personnel in planning and preparing for military exercises that require establishment of temporary Special Activity Airspace (SAA), the following listing of information items has been developed.


FAA Order JO 7400.2, Procedures for Handling Airspace Matters.

  1. After all coordination has been completed and in sufficient time to process an airspace action, if needed, a formal proposal should be submitted to the appropriate FAA Service Area Office. The proposal should include:
  1. Name of exercise.
  2. Location and description of temporary SAA.
  3. Time of designation.
  4. Controlling and using agency.
  5. Complete justification for the requested temporary SAA, including:
  1. Number of aircraft involved.
  2. Types of aircraft and missions they will perform.
  3. The exercise concept of operation (scenario).
  1. A statement that describes the entire exercise area must include the following:
  1. Availability/non-availability for use by nonparticipating aircraft for the entire exercise period;
  2. Availability for real-time coordination with ATC and release of one or more portions of the area for use by nonparticipating aircraft for part of the exercise period; and
  3. Area/altitude/time of the exercise that may be available for release. Specify each portion, providing vertical and horizontal dimensions and for what period of time each portion may be available for release.
  1. Requirements for refueling tracks, including location, visual flight rules (VFR) or instrument flight rules (IFR), in or below Class A airspace.
  2. Military commands and, if applicable, other departments and agencies that will participate in the exercise.
  3. Requirements for FAA liaison personnel at exercise facilities and military liaison personnel at affected FAA facilities.
  4. Provisions to be made for nonparticipating aircraft desiring to operate in the exercise area.
  1. Local airport operations.
  2. Ingress and egress routes.
  3. Overflights.
  4. Capability of the using agency to accept direct radio requests from pilots.
  1. Four months prior to the proposed exercise effective date, the proponent furnishes the following data:
  1. Bases to be used as staging airfields and the estimated volume of activity at each.
  2. Inactive bases to be activated and their locations.
  3. Military control facilities or navigational aids to be established where none exists for use by participating aircraft outside of the exercise area. Information provided should include locations and frequencies.
  4. Requirements for ingress and egress areas.
  5. Requirements for routes from staging bases to include estimated volume of use.
  6. Location of participating military air traffic facilities.
  7. Requirements for military control of exercise traffic outside of the exercise area.
  1. Three months prior to the beginning of the exercise:
  1. Make provisions to ensure that participating pilots are provided the capability of closing VFR flight plans.
  2. Provide information concerning other activities not mentioned which will require development of special operating procedures, such as an LOA or SPINS.
  1. Forty-five (45) days prior to beginning of exercise:
  1. Provide any additional information deemed necessary by FAA or the exercise proponent.
  2. Provide copies of all established procedures and agreements for distribution to FAA and military personnel who require this information.

FAA Military Liaison officers must encourage mission planning officers to include requested airspace requirements in the information disseminated with the request for exercise approval. In addition, they should recommend the use of planning conferences for the resolution of any issues that may impact air traffic.


Changes to the exercise should not be made within 45 days of the exercise unless they are essential to the safe and successful conduct of the exercise or to reduce the amount of SAA to be designated.


To minimize the effect of an exercise upon the public and to enhance flight safety, the military, with the assistance of FAA, must notify the public, to the maximum extent possible, with the location, configuration, and periods of use of the exercise areas.


Initiate action to resolve problems attendant to military exercises that appear to impose an unreasonable burden upon the air traffic control system or other users of the airspace through the use of planning conferences, telephones, or other suitable media.