Section 2. Criteria
This section prescribes policy, criteria, administrative and operating procedures pertaining to airspace for military operations/training activities during planned exercises and daily training missions/research, development, test and evaluation (RDT&E).
FAA recognizes that the military has a continuing requirement to conduct certain training and RDT&E activities within airspace as free from other aircraft as is practicable. Therefore, certain special military training and/or RDT&E operations must be conducted within ATC-assigned airspace (ATCAA), altitude reservation (ALTRV), military operations areas (MOA), restricted areas, warning areas, and IFR military training routes (IR) so that these activities are separated from other IFR traffic in controlled airspace. Flights to/from such areas must be under the control of either FAA or military ATC facilities to the maximum extent possible. The policies and procedures for designating special use airspace (SUA) are contained in FAA Order JO 7400.2, Procedures for Handling Airspace Matters.
Airspace utilized for military operations must be described in terms of lateral and vertical dimensions and specific times of use. In developing the dimensions and times of use for SUA and ATCAA descriptions, apply the criteria contained in Chapter 21, Section 2, of FAA Order JO 7400.2, Procedures for Handling Airspace Matters.
- The designation of SUA or ATCAA must be limited to the minimum number of areas necessary to support operational requirements.
- To the extent possible, the area must be designed so as to accommodate the maximum number of different types of military activities in the same airspace area. The military must provide procedures for joint-use scheduling in an area.
- To facilitate joint-use of SUA/ATCAA, activation must be limited to the minimum area, altitude, and time required for the activity/mission.
- Letters of agreement/procedure governing SUA must include as a minimum:
- Scheduling procedures and positive updating, to include requirement and time parameters for providing these updates to the schedule.
- Activation/deactivation procedures.
- Activation/deactivation times.
- The letters of agreement/procedure governing special conditions of use and procedures for each SUA and ATCAA areas must be authorized (signed) by the affected ATC facility manager and the military representative of the originating/scheduling activity.
- Each SUA/ATCAA area will have a designated military office responsible for scheduling all military activities within that area. Areas must not be used for military activities unless scheduled by the responsible military office.
- When the use of SUA/ATCAA has been requested in accordance with agreed upon procedures, the military scheduling unit is responsible for determining priority of use and for advising all users of the operational procedures restrictions or other conditions contained in the letters of agreement/procedure.