Section 6. Operations
The U.S. Military and FAA embrace the concept of maximum use of published tracks/anchors. However, in recognition of the requirement for flexibility, the following special provisions are incorporated.
- Where published tracks/anchors are inadequate for special mission/sortie, a special track/anchor may be established. Special tracks/anchors must not be published in the DoD FLIP planning document, but may be described in letters of agreement.
- Special tracks/anchors may be established for one time use by direct coordination with the appropriate ATC facility.
- Special tracks/anchors for other than one time use require approval of the major military command concerned and coordination with the Service Area military representative.
Except when special tracks/anchors are requested in accordance with paragraph 5-6-6, Special Exercises, the requesting unit must be responsible for obtaining approval to transit or use:
- SUA/ATCAA from the using agency. Assurance must be obtained from the using agency that no other activity is scheduled in the area at same time/altitudes.
- A published refueling track or anchor from the assigned scheduling unit.
- An MTR entry or exit, including associated tracks, from the designated scheduling unit.
Notification of such approval is not required by FAA.
Missions operating in an approved altitude reservation (ALTRV) may conduct aerial refueling operations within the ALTRV airspace. (See Chapter 4.)
Missions not operating in an ALTRV may conduct aerial refueling operations along special tracks/anchors within airspace approved for use as follows:
- Units must submit an approval request directly to the ATC facility concerned at least 12 hours in advance, or as soon as possible, to permit coordination and receipt of approval.
- The approval request must specify the following:
- The portion of the route where refueling operations will be conducted.
- ARCP patterns or rendezvous points if an En Route Cell Rendezvous is planned.
- Altitudes requested.
- Lateral dimensions of the airspace required.
- Duration of operation.
- Control times.
- Any other information deemed necessary or requested.
- The requirements for establishing special tracks/anchors are not applicable for refueling conducted between aircraft operating as an en route formation.
The tanker commander is responsible for coordinating all in-flight requests with other aircraft in the refueling operation prior to the submission of such request to ATC. The provisions of MARSA remain in effect during the execution of approved in-flight vectors unless separation responsibility is specifically assumed by the approving ATC facility. In-flight requests for radar vectors or alternate routes or altitudes to avoid weather or for emergency refueling may be approved only at the request of the tanker commander as follows:
- Radar vectors or changes of altitude may be approved at any time.
- Nonradar routes may be approved only after the refueling aircraft have passed the ARCP.
Special tracks/anchors may be established for use during planned exercises to meet a specific mission requirement. This will be accomplished through a letter of agreement with the appropriate ATC facility and requires the approval of the major military command(s) concerned and coordination with the Service Area military representative.
NOTAM/Ds must be issued for special tracks/anchors outside Class A airspace so as to define the refueling area as specifically as mission security will allow.
Headquarters United States Air Force/Navy/Marine Corp/Army have stated a requirement to conduct VFR helicopter in-flight refueling operations at altitudes from 4,000 feet AGL down to 1,000 feet AGL at speeds below 210 knots.
- Military units may request establishment of a VFR helicopter refueling track when a determination has been made:
- By appropriate military headquarters (major command/type command) that other alternatives have been explored; e.g., use of existing MOAs, restricted areas, or other published refueling tracks.
- That coordination with the scheduling agencies of other military airspace/routes has been accomplished to develop mutually acceptable conflict resolution criteria/procedures.
- That the number of tracks must be kept to the absolute minimum required to meet mission requirements.
- The originator of the track must obtain a route designator for use during coordination from NGA/MCBB, Mail Stop L-27, 3200 South 2nd Street, St. Louis AFS, Missouri 63118, by letter, message (NGA ST. LOUIS AFS MO/MCBB) or telephone (DSN 693-4636 or commercial 314-263-4636) or FAX (DSN 693-4993 or commercial 314-263-4997). The number in the designator provided by NGA will be prefixed by an “X”; e.g., AR X800V, to indicate the number to be used for coordination purposes only. The prefix “X” will be deleted when published in FLIP planning. The suffix “V” has been added to indicate a visual or VFR helicopter refueling track.
- VFR published refueling tracks must:
- Be operationally flight evaluated for the entire track to ensure compatibility with VFR obstacle clearance.
- Be depicted on DoD FLIP AP/1B charts.
Following MAJCOM/TYCOM and FAA approval (reference paragraph 6-4-7, NGA Responsibilities), the Service Area military representative will forward the route description to NGA for publication in FLIP.
- Be depicted on appropriate aeronautical charts.
The Air Traffic Service Area office in whose area the route originates is responsible for submitting the route description for publication. A charting request must be submitted to the FAA Aeronautical Information Services, Aeronautical Data website at
- Track width - In all cases, the refueling track must be of sufficient size to contain all planned activities. Normally, VFR refueling tracks will be 4NM either side of centerline unless otherwise specified.
- Track length - Normally 50-100 NM.
- Track alignment - Track alignment criteria must be as follows:
- Track widths must be designed to permit refueling aircraft to avoid Class B, C, D, airspace and Class E surface based areas below 3,000 feet AGL, scheduled air carrier airports, and high-density general aviation airports.
- All VFR refueling tracks to be flown at/below 1,500 feet AGL should be designed to permit aircraft flying the track to avoid charted, uncontrolled airports by 3 NM or 1,500 feet. Where it is impracticable to comply with this criteria, procedures must be established to minimize conflict with airport traffic by maintaining liaison with airport owners/operators.
- Avoid known VFR flyways.
- Tracks should be aligned to minimize disturbance to people or property on the ground.
- The scheduling unit must notify the tie-in FSS in advance of all planned refueling track usage on a daily basis. This must include route designator, time period, and altitude if other than published.
- Appropriate ATC facilities (en route and terminals), wherein radio and radar coverage exist along the VFR track, must provide radar advisory service (reference FAA Order JO 7110.65, Air Traffic Control) to tanker aircraft.
- The tie-in FSS must transmit a NOTAM/D via data communications systems to all FSSs in accordance with FAA Order JO 7110.10, Flight Services, and FAA Order JO 7930.2, Notices to Air Missions.
- FSSs must include pertinent VFR refueling activity in pilot briefings in accordance with FAA Order JO 7110.10, Flight Services.
- Tanker aircraft pilots scheduled to operate within VFR refueling tracks must advise the FSS nearest the entry point 5 minutes prior to entering and the FSS nearest the exit point, upon exiting.
- Pilots departing on IFR clearance en route to a helicopter refueling track are required to file to the fix/radial/distance of their entry/alternate entry point of the track.
- Pilots transitioning to IFR upon exiting the helicopter refueling track are required to have on file a previously filed IFR flight plan from the appropriate fix/radial/distance of their exit point.
Except in Alaska, composite IFR-VFR-IFR flight plans may be filed with appropriate FSS and BASEOPS. Stereo flight plans could be an advantage in flight planning.
Operations on VFR refueling tracks must be conducted only when the weather is at or above VFR minimums.
Pilots operating on VFR refueling tracks must be responsible for remaining within the lateral and vertical confines of the VFR refueling tracks.
- Proposals for establishing VFR refueling tracks must be submitted in the format and with the data depicted in FIG 5-4-1 to the appropriate ARTCC/CERAP/HCF with a copy to the appropriate Service Area military representative. In those airspace areas not under the direct jurisdiction of FAA, the theater command headquarters must develop procedures for coordination and approval of proposed tracks and anchors.
- The ARTCC/CERAP/HCF which received the request for establishment of an aerial refueling track must assume the responsibility for FAA internal coordination as necessary. Following ARTCC/CERAP/HCF comment/concurrence, the originating unit will forward the final proposal to the military major/type command for approval. The military major/type command will forward the proposal to the Service Area military representative for final review, coordination, and publication.
- The Air Traffic Service Area office must review each proposed VFR helicopter refueling route and coordinate it with other interested FAA Service Area offices. The Service Area review will include a determination that the proposed VFR refueling tracks are consistent with the criteria contained in this part. Terminal ATC facilities will be included in the development of tracks transiting their airspace.
- Unusual requirements, not in accordance with this criteria, for limited/onetime-use VFR tracks, will be coordinated directly with appropriate military headquarters.
The military must designate a scheduling activity for each VFR refueling track. (See paragraph 3-2-1, Requirement.)