ENR 7.2 Data Link Procedures

  1. Oakland Oceanic Airspace
    1. Oakland ARTCC has full CPDLC and ADS-C services in the entire Oakland Oceanic FIR for FANS-1/A capable aircraft. The Oakland Oceanic FIR log-on address is “KZAK;" the facility is “OAKODYA." CADS LOGON is not supported.
    2. The use of CPDLC and ADS-C in the Oakland Oceanic FIR (KZAK) is only permitted by Inmarsat and Iridium customers. All other forms of data link connectivity are not authorized. Users must ensure that the proper data link code is filed in Item 10a of the ICAO FPL in order to indicate which satellite medium(s) the aircraft is equipped with. The identifier for Inmarsat is J5 and the identifier for Iridium is J7. If J5 or J7 is not included in the ICAO FPL, then the LOGON will be rejected by KZAK and the aircraft will not be able to connect.
    3. Prior to entering the Oakland Oceanic FIR, contact San Francisco Radio and request a SELCAL check.


      1. Expect to receive primary and secondary HF frequency assignments from San Francisco Radio for the entire route of flight within the Oakland Oceanic FIR.
      2. Pilots must maintain HF communications capability with San Francisco Radio at all times within the Oakland Oceanic FIR.
    4. Aircraft entering the Oakland Oceanic FIR data link service area from non-data link airspace should:
      1. Log on to CPDLC at least 15 but not more than 45 minutes prior to entering the Oakland Oceanic FIR CPDLC service area.
      2. Contact San Francisco Radio on HF for a SELCAL check and provide the information outlined in paragraph 1.3.
    5. Aircraft entering the Oakland Oceanic FIR data link service area from adjacent data link airspace should:
      1. Determine the status of the CPDLC connection. If KZAK is the active center, the pilot must contact San Francisco Radio on HF for a SELCAL check.
      2. If KZAK is not the active center, the pilot must, within 5 minutes after the boundary is crossed, terminate the CPDLC connection, then log on to KZAK, and contact San Francisco Radio on HF for a SELCAL check.
    6. Flights overflying Honolulu Control Facility (HCF) airspace will receive an END SERVICE message prior to entering HCF airspace that will result in termination of CPDLC. Aircraft must re-log on to CPDLC prior to reentering Oakland Oceanic FIR airspace when HCF advises to contact en route communications or San Francisco Radio.
    7. Flights overflying Guam Combined Center Radar Approach Control (CERAP) airspace should maintain the CPDLC connection with Oakland ARTCC; however, do not use CPDLC for ATC COM until Guam CERAP advises you to again contact en route communications or San Francisco Radio.
  2. Anchorage Oceanic Airspace
    1. Anchorage ARTCC has full CPDLC capability and normal service in the Arctic FIR for FANS-1/A capable aircraft within INMARSAT or Iridium coverage. The Anchorage Arctic FIR log‐on address is “PAZN;" the facility is “ANCXFXA." CADS LOGON is not supported.
    2. Anchorage ARTCC has full CPDLC capability and normal service in the Anchorage Domestic and Oceanic FIRs, South of N63 and west of W165 for FANS-1/A capable aircraft. The Anchorage log‐on address is “PAZN;" the facility is “ANCATYA." CADS LOGON is not supported.
    3. Prior to entering the Anchorage Oceanic FIR, contact San Francisco Radio and request a SELCAL check.


      1. HF service in the Anchorage Arctic FIR is provided via Gander Radio. San Francisco Radio maintains an HF Long-Distance Operational Control (LDOC) station at Barrow, Alaska that may be of use when the solar conditions inhibit normal communications via Gander. HF service in the Anchorage Oceanic FIR is provided via San Francisco Radio.
      2. Expect to receive primary and secondary HF frequency assignments from San Francisco Radio for the entire route of flight when within the Anchorage Oceanic FIR.
      3. Pilots must maintain HF communications capability with appropriate en route RADIO (San Francisco Radio or Gander) at all times within the Anchorage Arctic or Oceanic FIRs.
  3. New York Oceanic Airspace
    1. New York ARTCC provides full CPDLC and ADS-C services throughout its Oceanic Airspace to FANS-1/A capable flights. The New York Oceanic FIR FANS LOGON address is “KZWY." CADS LOGON is not supported. Flights should use ADS for position reporting and CPDLC for all other ATC communications while in the New York Oceanic Area.
    2. The use of CPDLC and ADS-C in the New York Oceanic FIR (KZWY) is only permitted by Inmarsat and Iridium customers. All other forms of data link connectivity are not authorized. Users must ensure that the proper data link code is filed in Item 10a of the ICAO FPL in order to indicate which satellite medium(s) the aircraft is equipped with. The identifier for Inmarsat is J5 and the identifier for Iridium is J7. If J5 or J7 is not included in the ICAO FPL, then the LOGON will be rejected by KZWY and the aircraft will not be able to connect.
    3. Prior to entering the New York Oceanic FIR, contact New York Radio and request a SELCAL check.


      1. Expect to receive primary and secondary HF frequency assignments from New York Radio for the route of flight within the data link service area.
      2. Pilots must maintain HF communications capability with New York Radio at all times within the New York Oceanic FIR.
      3. If not filed in the flight plan, NY Radio will request if the flight is CPDLC connected and confirm their exit point from the New York FIR.
    4. If the flight will exit ZNY oceanic airspace into domestic airspace (including over New York Bermuda RADAR):
      1. Identify the flight as ADS and/or CPDLC connected;
      2. If operating on the Organized Track System (OTS), state the track letter;
      3. State the name of the next CTA/FIR to be entered along with the latitude and longitude or waypoint exit point leaving the ZNY FIR; and
      4. Request a SELCAL check.


        New York Radio may require flights to contact them at 60 West for HF frequency updates.

    5. Aircraft entering the New York Oceanic FIR data link service area from non-data link airspace should:
      1. LOGON to KZWY at least 15 minutes but not more than 45 minutes prior to entering the New York Oceanic CTA/FIR.
      2. Prior to entering the New York Oceanic FIR contact New York Radio on HF or VHF providing the information as outlined in paragraph 3.3.


        Do not send a CPDLC position report to confirm CDA prior to, or upon crossing, the FIR.

    6. Aircraft entering the New York Oceanic FIR data link service area from adjacent data link airspace should:
      1. Determine the status of the FANS connection when crossing the New York Oceanic FIR boundary.


        CPDLC and ADS services will be forwarded automatically between New York, Santa Maria, and Gander OCA's. CPDLC connections will be transferred approximately 5 minutes prior to the boundary crossing point.

        1. If KZWY is the active connection when crossing the New York Oceanic FIR boundary the pilot must:
        2. Contact New York Radio on HF providing the information as outlined in paragraph 3.3.
      2. If KZWY is not the active center when crossing the New York Oceanic FIR boundary the pilot must:
        1. Terminate the CPDLC connection, then log-on to KZWY; and
        2. Contact New York Radio on HF providing the information as outlined in paragraph 3.3.


          Do not send a CPDLC position report to confirm CDA prior to, or upon crossing, the FIR.

    7. Flights overflying Bermuda RADAR airspace should:
      1. Prior to entering New York Bermuda RADAR airspace, aircraft will receive an END SERVICE message that will result in termination of CPDLC.
      2. Aircraft must re-log-on to KZWY prior to re-entering the New York Oceanic CTA/FIR when they are advised by ATC to contact New York Radio on HF.
    8. Aircraft exiting the KZWY data link service area and approaching New York Center Domestic, New York Center Bermuda RADAR, San Juan, Piarco, Jacksonville, Miami, Moncton, and Gander Domestic can expect a CPDLC uplink message containing the VHF frequency assignment for the next facility. CPDLC End Service will be sent approximately 5 minutes prior to the boundary crossing point.
  4. Data Link Failure
    1. In the event of data link failure or outages, flight crews must contact New York Radio or San Francisco Radio via HF voice for routine communications. When unable to communicate on HF, the pilot may conduct normal and routine communications with ATC via New York Radio or San Francisco Radio on SATVOICE. Direct SATVOICE contact with ATC should be limited to distress and urgency situations or when other means are not available and communication is essential.