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United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

Is a pilot required to report to the FAA that he or she has undergone LASIK or other laser eye surgery to correct vision?

LASIK and other forms of vision corrective surgery have potentially adverse effects that could be incompatible with flying duties. These include:

  • Corneal scarring or opacities;
  • Worsening or variability of vision;
  • Night-glare; and
  • Haziness of vision.

The FAA expects that a pilot will not resume piloting aircraft until his or her own treating health care professional determines:

  • The post operative condition has stabilized;
  • There have been no significant adverse effects or complications; and
  • The person meets the appropriate FAA vision standards.

If these determinations are favorable and if otherwise qualified, the pilot may immediately resume piloting but must ensure that:

  • The treating health care professional documents his or her determinations in the pilot's health care treatment record;
  • A copy of that record is immediately forwarded to the Aerospace Medical Certification Division in Oklahoma City; and
  • A personal copy is retained.

The airman may continue flight duties unless informed otherwise by the FAA or another disqualifying condition occurs.