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United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

What are the requirements for aircraft warning lights on tall structures?

In general any temporary or permanent structure, including all appurtenances, that exceeds an overall height of 200 feet (61m) above ground level (AGL), or exceeds any obstruction standard contained in 14 CFR Part 77, should normally be marked and/or lighted.  However, an FAA aeronautical study may reveal that the absence of marking and/or lighting will not impair aviation safety.  Conversely, the object may present such an extraordinary hazard potential that higher standards may be recommended for increased conspicuity to ensure safety to air navigation. 

Normally, outside commercial lighting is not considered a sufficient reason to omit recommended marking and/or lighting.  Recommendations on marking and/or lighting structures can vary depending on terrain features, weather patterns, geographic location, and in the case of wind turbines, number of structures and overall layout of design.  The FAA may also recommend marking and/or lighting a structure that does not exceed 200 (61m) feet AGL or 14 CFR Part 77 standards because of its particular location. You can find additional guidance in Advisory Circular 70/7460-1M, Obstruction Marking and Lighting.

If the structure is on airport property, contact the nearest FAA Airports’ Regional/Airports District Office

If the structure is not on airport property, contact Air Traffic Organization Obstruction Evaluation Specialist that services your area.