The Air Up There Podcast
Flying With Kids: Tips From An Expert
Season 5,
Episode 1
Air travel can be challenging, especially when you add your kids in the mix. You can do this!
How do you get them through security, navigate the airport and then quickly carry them, your bags AND their car seat down the plane aisle to get to your seats? Do you know the safest way for a child under 2 to fly? How do you prepare your little ones to know what to expect so you can, hopefully, prevent a meltdown on the plane? These are all valid questions, and we’ve got answers.
Tune into our latest The Air Up There podcast episode, “Flying With Kids: Tips From An Expert.” This episode’s conversation is with Michelle Pratt, an experienced traveler with kids, founder of Safe in the Seat, and a Nationally Certified Child Passenger Safety Expert. This hilarious, relatable, and informative dialogue about the joys and stresses of flying with kids will have you eager to try out her air travel tips and tricks so your family’s next flight is more enjoyable.
Share this episode with your friends and family and start flying with kids like a pro.

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Female Voice: I can remember traveling with my daughter and her ears were popping and she was just screaming her head off and I can still remember every moment of that first plane ride.
Male Voice: Traveling can be stressful all on its own and then you throw in your loving kids…
Female Voice: It’s totally intimidating.
Voice Over: Welcome to the Air Up There. A podcast about the wide world of aerospace. Presented by the Federal Aviation Administration.
Kristen Alsop: Hi! And Welcome to The Air Up There. I’m your host Kristen Alsop. Travel isn’t always easy – and as a parent, I can tell you that kids can make it a real challenge. On this episode we’ll be talking about the joys and stresses of flying with kids with a parent who has a lot of travel experience and plenty of relatable stories. Michelle Pratt is a Nationally Certified Child Passenger Safety Expert and the founder of Safe In the Seat and she has practical advice for parents, like me, on navigating family travel.
Kristen Alsop Thanks, Michelle, and welcome to our podcast. We appreciate you being here today.
Michelle Pratt Thanks so much for having me.
Kristen Alsop Absolutely. So I'm just interested to kind of find out where your passion for traveling with kids and car seats kind of stemmed from.
Michelle Pratt: So I'd say my passion first started, just to be a mom, and to figure out all the details of mom life. And when I first had to bring my son home from the hospital, like I was so overwhelmed by Well, obviously, all the things but I felt like I should have been, I didn't I don't know if I didn't do enough work on the car seat aspect of things, or I didn't know I needed to. And it's sort of like my passion for helping others that were feeling that same way it kind of like started to, to start then when I had my son, but obviously, it was quite busy dealing with the newborn stage and all those things. And so I just, over time, decided, You know what, I want to help more parents in this car seat area, there are a lot of other people that are feeling the way I am where this is so critically important. But there aren't maybe enough resources or people talking about car seats. Like me, like and from mom to mom. And so I just sort of started Safe in the Seat to do that and quickly became aware that travel was going to be a huge aspect of, you know, safety and car seats and mom life and how to make all those things work together is a it's a it's a balancing act for sure.
Kristen Alsop Yeah, and I can I can definitely appreciate that new mom thing I can remember. Like, we had the car seat in the car, and and we were good. But when we brought it into the hospital, like I was like, I don't even know how to like, pull it tight for him. Right? Like, right. Yeah, most of us have never,
Michelle Pratt Like you don't think about that consciously. Until you're in the moment with the baby. It's one of the biggest tips I get to everyone is like, Please practice. Yeah, never used a car seat before. Just because you have a child coming home with you does not mean you now are just like poof, you magically know how to use this device that's going to save their life. So yeah, that's listening, practice expecting ensure you get a teddy bear or baby doll or your friend's baby and practice together.
Kristen Alsop I was definitely like, oh my gosh, I don't even know how to get my kid in this thing. What am I doing? Yeah. So what kinds of things do you think about when you're helping kids pack for a flight or when you're packing a kid for a flight.
Michelle Pratt So my son is nine and my daughter literally just turned seven. And over the years of travel, I'm a really big advocate of preparation. I mean, I don't know that that will surprise anyone, especially considering we just talked about practicing, or do you have your baby, but I depending on the developmental stage of the child, I really like to get them involved in the process. And that can be as simple as some books that can take them through what to expect in the not just on the airplane. But in the airport is honestly where to focus more. Some role playing can be really helpful pretend play with their dolls, or their favorite stuffy. And I've even taken it for one of my kids in particular, as a special needs kid. Before we flew, I took him to a government building downtown and had him go through security. So he would really understand what that process was like, I think that can be very helpful for kids who have to let go of that lovey in the security line. So that preparation is just what to expect and what like what they plan to see as they move through the different stages of the airport. And what mom or dad or the caretaker expects from them as well.
Kristen Alsop I love that idea of like role playing or getting them really comfortable with going through the process of what's going to happen.
Michelle Pratt You know, we've done it a lot of times, you know, so for us walking into an airport, we know that you're first going to check your bags that's you know, appropriated for bringing a car seat. You're definitely checking your bags and going through the escalators or the elevators or you know, then waiting in the security line going through what's going to happen in that line. That we have to wait at a gate before we get on how do I get down an airplane aisle? What is what does that look like? Do I get to hold your hand Mom? Are you going to carry me? I think all of those things were just second nature for us as adults. And we forget this is for many of our kids, their very first time experiencing it, many of our airports as well let you go to them and explore. And that can be really great for kids to just get them in an airport and let them see a little bit of what's going to happen and walk them through some of that process, it's actually a great activity just in general to do with to do with your kids.
Kristen Alsop That is a great tip, I really like that get to the airport, check it out, at least see it be comfortable with it. And as you said, like roleplay through it and get them comfortable.
Michelle Pratt
I think preparation with our kids in pretty much any setting pays off so much in the reduction of tantrums, of bad behaviors, of unwanted behaviors, we put that effort in the beginning, it pays off tenfold, when we're in those moments.
Kristen Alsop And you're going to have you know, kids who are going through the separation anxiety too you know, it's you're dealing with that as well, in some ages, that can be really probably difficult to get them to go through, you know, the security part of TSA without being able to hold on to mommy or daddy.
Michelle Pratt And that can also be as your role playing or practicing, you know, working with your kid on what would help you do this, what's something that would be helpful for you, and maybe you come up with a song or a game or a timer or whatever, you know, maybe comforting to your child or when we get on the other side, you're gonna get the secret snack that I packed for you, you know, whatever those things are that we need to you, we pull out all the stops when it comes to travel. Just whatever it takes to help it be as smooth as possible for your kid and obviously for for you.
Kristen Alsop Yeah, and you bring up a good point that we've talked about preparing the kids that I think there's also, you know, a well known mental load that parents take on when they think about packing and think about traveling. How can we help prepare ourselves, you know, that anxiety and that daunting travel anxiety that we might be feeling?
Michelle Pratt: As somebody who like struggles with anxiety, for me, the best way is to really map it out to plan it out. And to also know that the best laid plans are never going to happen. But by having them I can almost handle them changing a bit easier. Honestly, my number one way of dealing in those situations is making sure my kids are totally prepared. It really is for everything from like we talked about the role playing or what to expect to snacks and games and how to fill the dead time when they have to wait. If I'm able to get all that stuff kind of done. And by the way, that doesn't have to happen two days before your trip. So so much of this can be done well in advance so that as you are you know, bearing the weight of that mental load leading like a couple days up to the trip, you can be focused on packing the clothes and figuring out where you're gonna park and you know, all those other like things that are more timely that have to happen right before you before you go. I always tell parents too and that everyone probably laugh when they hear this but like try to get a good night's sleep. Folks eat everybody you need to prioritize eating like little things to just take care of your own body is it's going to be important. Make sure you hydrate the days leading up and during that day, you know that stuff is going to help get you through to and remember it's a short period of time. We've birthed children we brought children home, we have done sleepless nights we have done all the difficult things we can make it through a couple hours or a full day whatever it is of travel like we can do it I find just putting some sometimes putting that in perspective can be really helpful for me to say I can do anything for 24 hours or five hours or whatever it it's going to be over.
Kristen Alsop Yeah I think for me part of the like the anxiety or the tricky part of the travel we took our our then nine month old to Florida was so many bags the car seat the pack and play the you know the baby bag like the kid and just trying to like manage we have four hands and sometimes it's just one person traveling like how how do you manage all that? Do you have any tips for packing just generally I mean we pack everything.
Michelle Pratt I think you know that and the logistics is the hardest part of the travel right? So also you role playing some of the logistics can be very, very helpful and I know people are really that's ridiculous. I shouldn't do that. I really recommend people do that. Take your empty suitcase. Take your car seat, your stroller, your diaper bag, your kids backpack that they're going to end up not carrying all of that stuff, and figure out what it's going to look like when you're the human octopus that has to carry all of it. If you have a significant other that's going with you, or just another travel companion map out in advance who's responsible for what? Yeah, on game day, it may change a little bit. But if it's really clear, to say you're doing this, and I'm doing this, then you won’t get to the airport pissed off because somebody … think carefully.
Kristen Alsop You’re looking at your partner, like, are you gonna get that bag? Or what?
Michelle Pratt Exactly you're not like? Do you see what's happening here? Are you going to participate? We can, because that's part of our like, ability to get through the day to we don't want to be upset with whomever we're traveling with all day. But if the I love the saying, people can't meet expectations if they don't know what they are. And having that discussion in advance, if you are able to travel with another adult or even older kids can be you're required to carry your backpack, you're required to hold your sister's hand until we get to XYZ, whatever it might be those things, lining them out in advance, I think is really going to help you and then be as hands free as possible in the packing. So if like a stroller is accompanying you put some carabiners on it those hooks. And that way, when the backpack start going off to your kid's shoulders, they don't want to carry it that you have water bottles with clips they’re over it, start clipping that stuff on to the stroller, make sure the cargo space underneath it is open for you wear a backpack, baby wear your child because you can baby wear through security, which can be super helpful. Just anything you can do to eliminate the need for your hands to be, you know, occupied. And thinking that through and practicing in advance I think is a game changer.
Kristen Alsop That's a great tip. Yeah, cuz we did not totally think that one through. And it was, it was a lot.
Michelle Pratt but there's not gonna be perfect. None of it's going to be perfect, it is going to be cumbersome. And it's going to be a little bit hard. But we can do hard things.
Kristen Alsop We can definitely do hard things. And I think that's a good point, like plan but also know like plans change and just roll with it.
Michelle Pratt Yeah, I mean, it's not it's travel. So there's always unknowns and unexpected. And I like anytime I can reduce that like okay, flight delays, I can't control having a walk to another terminal because they move the gate -- I can't control. So but what I can control is the setup is the preparation as much as possible. And my attitude, right, so like, I can't say mines perfect all the time, because that would just be a flat out lie. But if I have these things in place that I've like communicated with whomever is traveling with me how we're going to get through this, that that seems to help me out a ton.
Kristen Alsop So we talked about like planning and packing. Obviously, I'm gonna guess you use child safety seats when you're on airplanes. Why is that important to you?
Michelle Pratt So there are a couple of reasons. I'm a huge advocate of car seats on a plane one because it's the safest way for our kids to ride in a plane. Because of the turbulence that can happen on takeoff and landing. It's just best for our kids to be secured and their car seats anybody any child under 40 pounds. That's what the Federal Aviation Administration recommends. I have also a huge fan of it for two other reasons. One is just your own sanity. If you can buckle up your child in that car seat next to you. It is a game changer for you as the adult on that ride. I have done it both ways. I did not know I was supposed to take a car seat on a plane. Initially when my child was nine months old. It still I'm still traumatized by that flight. It was one of the most difficult flights I've ever been on. So because he was moving constantly, he crawled up three rows on in front of us he was running up and down the aisles my arms were fire, trying to hold him in place. So for your own sanity, I highly recommend. The other reason I really recommend it is you're going to need it. If you need a car seat at your destination. You should bring it with you on the plane. And most of us need a car seat at the destination. So it's just to me, that car seat is coming, but it's just come with me, I'm gonna deal with the logistics of it. I'm gonna figure it out. So that when we do get finally get to where we want to go, I can actually get there. Yeah, quickly.
Kristen Alsop I'm thinking about you saying, you know, talking about your child crawling up the aisles. And I think about like that turbulence that we don't expect coming either. And thinking about your child not even being in your arms. And let alone it's really hard as, as I think we know, now, you know, to hold a child when there's turbulence, but then thinking about like, yeah, they don't want to sit in your we all know this, don't just sit in your lap, they don't want to listen. But if they're in their car seat, it's kind of like a comfort thing that they know, that's really they understand the behavior that comes along with being in that seat.
Michelle Pratt Yes, it's like when we're in moving things, we sit and buckle up. And that's just the expectation. And so they are used to it. And most kids find great comfort it they also sleep in it. You there is a cost associated if your child is under two to purchasing another airplane seat, so I'm definitely aware of that. But if it is within someone's budget to be able to purchase that extra seat and bring that car seat on the airplane, and they're getting pushback from perhaps another person in the household that doesn't think it's necessary. I say, Okay, once you get a chair, and I want you to sit it in front like close to something that's going to be like a seat back in front of you. You could even put like put your kid in the vehicle and sit in the backseat. And then want you to sit there for an hour with your child in your lap. But can you hold your child in that position for an hour? Or for the duration of the flight? No! We can't expect our young kids to sit easily on restrained and in a spot when there's like a lot to explore on an airplane.
Kristen Alsop Yeah, there's That's exactly right. There's a bunch of strangers right that we want to check out as well as food and certain things that they're doing. And yeah, it’s like we need you…
Michelle Pratt That aisle looks perfect for running in.
Kristen Alsop Yeah, I was lucky enough when we when we took my son that he did sleep most of the time because he was in his car seat. So that was like, that made it very enjoyable. I'm glad that we had that experience and not maybe yours. When you are traveling, and even maybe with bigger kids, because we know the little ones are going to be you know, back facing, but should they be should the car seat go in the same way that it goes in your cars in your car like forward facing or?
Michelle Pratt Yes, yeah, recommendation is to put it in the airplane seat in the same direction that it is in your car. Now, I'm a realistic child passenger safety technician that knows that that's just not possible in all situations. So certainly if your child is a newborn doesn't have neck control any of that it's never optional. They have to be rear facing, like for breathing, not for restraining but for breathing. You can. What a car seat does in a vehicle is different than what it does in an airplane. So the recline level that we preach about and a vehicle being critically important for optimal crash protection and for breathing is not as important from the crash protection side in an airplane. So if you have have to kick that recliner up a little bit more vertical and rear facing mode and in the plane seat, that's fine. Again, assuming your child has absolute full neck control, if that's just not going to work, and if your child meets the minimum requirements to like forward face the seat, then you can forward face it. Just try to get it in the plane, the way that you ride with it in the car. The other thing for people to consider, they're like, Oh, I'm just gonna put a forward facing anyways. Well, your kids legs are gonna kick that seat in front of them, if they're rear facing they’re kicking their own seat. And that can be a huge reason to put even sometimes your forward facing back around in the plane because that kicking thing can become like a real issue.
Kristen Alsop Do you have any tips for when you're actually we've made it to the airport, you know, we've gotten through security, but actually on the airplane, getting your kid and your car seat now that because I remember that was one of the more anxious things for us as well as like, how quickly can I get out of the aisle because I feel like I'm being a burden. But also like, I don't know what I'm doing right. And I've got bags that need to put up and like in a kid to get in this car seat and get him latched in and all that. Do you have any good tips there?
Michelle Pratt You know, I think my first tip is it's going to be a cluster, okay. And that's okay, like you're doing the safest thing, you've got your car seat, you've got your kid, anyone that has a heart of any size is going to look at you and say, let's give this family a little bit of grace. If you can, if you're traveling with another adult, and you can separate the boarding, so one person goes in first with the car seat and gets it set up and the other person stays back with the child. That can be really, really helpful. Because one, that child can have more time to get energy out in the airport, we're not trying to combine them to the seat before the airplane is moving. And to the person that gets onboard first can kind of they you know, it's kind of like half the stuff if you will, and they can get the car seat set up. If the goal is just to get out of the aisle as quickly as possible, car seat, then stuff, then kid, then kind of turn your body and, and work to get it back up in the overhead bin, and there's a little bit of a space and you know, the flow of traffic coming on the plane. It's just going to be cumbersome, but you can do it. In addition to just like getting in your seat, just getting down the aisle can be a tricky part. Because the majority of car seats not all but the majority they’re very wide, and you're going to have to hoist it over your head. I'm sorry that if this is the first time hearing it.
Kristen Alsop I know I'm thinking about because he has a new car seat obviously from when he was like an infant and thinking about like, how much bigger that one is. And you're exactly right. Like that's not going down easily under my arm right anymore. Like how am I going to carry this thing?
Michelle Pratt: Yeah, so that's again in that like preparation and planning like maybe do some you know, some lifts, see, workout and get your squats in Yeah, get your you know, it's like your low CrossFit workout with your car seat. Yeah, you'll be good to go.
Kristen Alsop Have you ever? I know you said that you've done it with a partner. But have you ever traveled alone when you've had to ask like a flight attendant or somebody to help you because I just couldn't not imagine a two year old and a car seat and all the other stuff and like getting it all done by myself.
Michelle Pratt So I personally have not experienced this but someone on my team has traveled get ready for this with three toddlers and three car seats by herself. I mean, I just she's like superhero status. But I think as people will help you if you ask them for help. So even if they don't initially think oh my gosh, well, how is this person gonna juggle all of this? If you simply go up to the gate initially and say listen, by I'm traveling alone, I have two kids and two car seats or one kid in one car seat or if you're crazy, like she was three kids or three car seats. I'm gonna need a little bit of extra assistance. Sure. What I don't think anyone enjoys is if you surprise people, if you show up at the gate, and you're waiting to board and they look at you like you couldn't have given us a heads up on this. You know, just just let people know. Here's this, you know, here's the situation. You're absolutely allowed to bring all these seats on the plane, get it situated and it's going to take a minute, but I would want 100% ask for help. There has been a time with my kids where somebody else had to hold my daughter. So there were still two adults and she was like moving down and doing different stuff out of it. Can you hold her for a minute, please? They were pleased as punch showed her. But she loved it too. I was just like can you…
Kristen Alsop Yeah, I think that that's the thing like for me, I think in a lot of periods, it's hard to ask for help. It is. But I think you're right, giving a heads up like, Hey, I'm gonna need some help. But this is my situation like the heads up versus like, trying to do it all dropping something. And then snapping is like not not the look.
Michelle Pratt Yeah, the ego gets kicked to the curb for this stuff. Like, we don't need to be superheroes here. We were trying to do the best thing for our family, for our kids. And I think the majority of people know that and really respect it and would be honored to help us in any way they can. And on the flip side of that, I think the way we pay that forward is anytime we're traveling without kids, I'm always very aware of families. And I always offer to help. And I think that will normalize some of this for us when we're on the other side of it. Like, let's just be, you know, good people. And if we see anybody with their kids, or it's someone elderly, or somebody who can't get their bag up or whatever, just not waiting for them to ask, but asking to help.
Kristen Alsop So we’ve talked about a lot of things that probably went well, I know that you have groups where you're helping folks to, to think through this travel. Have you heard stories? Or have you experienced anything? Where didn't go so well? And can we learn from that?
Michelle Pratt We didn't touch on security as much about getting a car seat through security. Yeah, it's another thing that I think sometimes I'll tell you this one caught me off guard there's like lots of different ways you can get a car seat through an airport, and one of the ones I use as a car seat belt to strap it to a carry on suitcase. First of all, I would never bring a carry on suitcase again when I'm traveling with children, which isn't another thing I should have just no I'll just pay anyone to pay for checking.
Kristen Alsop Oh, it's definitely worth the pay. Pay to check.
Michelle Pratt I don't know why I didn't think through this enough, but like, I'd obviously have to unattach the car seat from the carry on suitcase to get it through security, but then I'd have to reattach it all on the other side. And for me, that was a lot because I was also carrying a car seat on my back and a backpack. And I was trying to attach another one on, I just should have thought through a different mode of transporting the car seat through the airport. So you know, I did it once and I learned just like everybody else does that that wasn't going to work for me. I feel like any of the things that people have shared that are not their most favorite parts of traveling kids in car seats, we typically have, you know, tried and true ways to at least make it a bit more manageable. I didn't say it was gonna be fun or easy. But we can make it you know, we can make it more manageable.
Kristen Alsop Yeah. And we've talked about a lot of the like, the anxiety and the hard parts about traveling. But like, it is also fun, right? Like, this is a new experience for kids. We forget this because we travel probably more often. But I just wondered like, Do you have any memories of the kids like pointing out things to you in the airport or on the airplane that just kind of made it super fun?
Michelle Pratt Yeah, I mean, I think because even if we've explored the airport with our kids before, like, not actually traveling that day, they've never been through, like we've a tram in our airport. And that is like, so cool for them to get on the tram to get to the terminal. Or, you know, being able to there's playgrounds and a lot of the airports that they love, or just the people watching or the little stores that are everywhere that they try to get me to buy something. And then just like their experience on the plane, like I'll never forget the the first time my daughter was on the plane. And you know, a lot of times car seats have to be in the window seat. And you know, just sitting there like looking out the window and watching us take off and you know, just the excitement of that feeling in her tummy what it went, you know, the plane went up. So I do think there are a lot of really, you know, yes, it can be a bit hard and tiring to plan all of this the lug everything around. But you're right. Our kids don't get to do this all that often, most likely. And it's a pretty cool experience, you know, experience for them.
Kristen Alsop Yeah, I'm so excited to do it again this summer, because we've only traveled when he was nine months, he slept the whole time, which was amazing. And I will never complain about that. But like just to get him to have a different experience. I'm, I'm nervous because he's a toddler now, right? I can't baby wear him the way I did before. And there's new challenges there. But I'm trying to focus on the positive parts about how fun it's going to be.
Michelle Pratt Any of the parts that seem hard within the process, if you break them down, like we've talked about, you know, how am I going to get through even just parking the car or what you know, whatever that looks like for your family? And then how do I get through checking the bags and if you just step by step go through that. And you realize I do know what I'm doing I am able to control this because I've been through an airport before so I know what's coming. And now I'm gonna back into what I need to do with my now two year old. I think you can be really empowered in the process too, to say I've got I've totally got this. And you do and it's one day.
Kristen Alsop It's one day. Yeah, like you said they can do anything for a day. We don't have to be heroes.
Michelle Pratt Right?
Kristen Alsop Do you have any other helpful tips for parents who are traveling?
Michelle Pratt So changing diapers on the plane can be challenging. One bathroom stall on the plane has a changing table, but it is tiny in those bathrooms. So put it overnight diaper on your kiddo have them go to the bathroom before if they're of the age where you could have them go to the bathroom. And put an overnight diaper on them before you get on the plane.
Kristen Alsop That’s a good tip.
Michelle Pratt And find a tribe of people that are doing this and you will feel like okay, like I totally, you know, I totally can do this. Because it's happening all you're not the first one to travel with a child, or the first thing each with a child and a car seat. So finding some others that have done the same, I think it'd be really empowering to help you feel like you can confidently do this.
Kristen Alsop Well, I really appreciate all of your tips and talking us through some different ways to travel with kids, because we know it can be anxious, but it's also a really fun thing to do.
Michelle Pratt Yeah, and focus on the destination, you know, like you're going somewhere for a reason, hopefully, for a happy fun reason. And the memories that you're going to create there are going to be worth the hours of travel that you're going to endure. So you know if you can find the little moments within the travel day that are really special and meaningful. You may not be able to see them in the moment but you can when you look back, but it's all about the destination that you're getting to so just keep that in your like line of sight as you are changing a poopy diaper in the bathroom.
Kristen Alsop I want to thank you again for being with us today and giving some incredible tips that are going to help parents navigate this whole travel experience and do it in a safe and enjoyable way.
Michelle Pratt Yeah, thank you so much for having me on.
[Music transition]
Featurette / PSA / FAA Promo:
Child Safety PSA with Kristina Harris
This is Kristina Harris, with the FAA. I am a mother and a frequent flyer, and I know that family travel can be challenging. Did you know that the safest place for your small child or infant during in a flight is in a government-approved child restraint system or device and not on your lap? It’s true. When unexpected turbulence hits, it’s impossible for your arms to hold your child securely. Here are some tips to help you with your air travel plans. Buying a ticket for your child is the only way to guarantee that you will be able to use a child restraint. Not all car seats are approved for airplanes. Look for the printed message that says this restraint is approved for use in both motor vehicles and for aircraft. Use a rear or forward facing child restraint based on the child’s weight. You can also use the AMSAFE care device for children who weigh 22 to 44 pounds.
Use a child restraint or device. It’s the safe and smart thing to do so your family arrives safely at your destination. Go to to learn more.
[Music transition into and through outro]
Kristen Alsop Thank you for joining us today! We hope you’ve learned a few new tricks to make traveling with your kids safe, less stressful, and more enjoyable. Because - flying is fun. For even more family travel tips, subscribe to our podcast so you don’t miss upcoming episodes that will help families navigate airport security and the boarding process. And if you liked this episode, leave a review to let us know and share it. Thanks for listening!
VoiceOver: The Air Up There is a production of the Federal Aviation Administration. For a transcript of this episode and to follow us on social media to get the latest aviation safety news and guidance, visit That’s