Section 9. Monitor Alert Parameter
The Monitor Alert Parameter (MAP) establishes a numerical trigger value to provide notification to facility personnel, through the MA function of the TFMS, that sector/airport efficiency may be degraded during specific periods of time. The efficiency of a functional position or airport in providing air traffic services is a shared responsibility of the TM team. That team consists of the ATCS(s), OS(s), and the TMU. These entities must monitor, assess and act on sector/airport loading issues to ensure that these NAS elements operate efficiently. The ability of a functional position or airport to provide air traffic services may be affected by a variety of factors (i.e., NAVAIDs, meteorological conditions, communications capabilities, etc.); therefore MAP is a dynamic value which will be adjusted to reflect the capabilities of the functional position or airport.
Baseline MAP values are established utilizing a workload-based model collaboratively developed at the national level and any adjustments made to those values using the ARTCC's collaborative process. These values will be reflected in the TFMS NAS Monitor.
- Baseline MAP value adjustments require concurrence of representatives of the TMU and area of specialization. Adjustments to the baseline values will be documented, including rationale, and maintained by the TMU.
- The MAP value may be dynamically adjusted to reflect the ability of the functional position to provide air traffic service. Examples of situations that may require an adjustment include convective weather, turbulence, NAVAID outages, or other scenarios that have a negative or positive impact on the ability to safely and efficiently work air traffic at a level consistent with the MAP. Any adjustments made to the MAP value shall be communicated to the ATCSCC.
Facility TMUs must:
- Monitor all adapted sectors and airports within their area of jurisdiction for alerts generated by the MA function of the TFMS.
- Maintain communications with areas of specialization to determine functional position constraints and adjust MAP values to indicate the functional position capabilities.
- Set the MA look ahead value at least one hour into the future with 1.5 hours to 2.5 hours being the recommended time frame.
The recommendation to set the look ahead value to between 1.5 and 2.5 hours is for pre‐planning purposes. Action taken to address an alert should take place approximately 1 hour prior to the alerted time frame. This activity will allow for a further review and evaluation of the TFMS data. A key in the analysis process is the determination of the duration of the alert. TM initiatives should be primarily for those time frames when the MAP value will be equaled or exceeded for a sustained period of time (usually greater than 5 minutes).
- Analyzing data for the alerted time frame to develop expected impact and recommendations to address the alert.
- For red alerts - notify the affected area of the alert, indicating the expected impact and recommended action.
- For yellow alerts - notify the affected area of the alert when analysis indicates that the ability of the sector to provide efficient air traffic services will be degraded due to abnormal operations.
- Maintain an operational log of red alerts and retain for 45 days the following information:
- Date and time of alert.
- Results of analysis including expected impact and recommendation to address.
- Time area notified.
- Action, if any, to be taken.
- Functional position configuration (i.e., sector combine status, staffing).
- The time period(s), by facility, during which an alert notification(s) has/have been suspended.
- Facilities will produce, utilizing the Off Line Aircraft Management Program or equivalent program, a 15 minute summary sector activity report for each red alert and each yellow alert conforming to subparagraph 18-9-3d3.
- Alerts generated by the MA function of the TFMS will be further evaluated by post event analysis. The focus of this analysis will be towards assessing the effectiveness and impact, both to the sector and the user, of action taken or not taken as a result of a documented alert. A one minute sector summary report will be utilized to assist in the impact analysis of the alerted time frame.
- When a pattern of alerts is established (i.e., same sector, same time frame, on a daily basis or requirement for additional resources to manage on a routine basis) which requires recurring TM initiatives for resolution, additional analysis will be conducted. The analysis should result in recommendations to address the identified constraint and may include sector design adjustment, flow dispersion, or user operations adjustment. Should the local facility not be able to implement resolution recommendations due to external factors (i.e., lack of equipment, non‐concurrence from other facilities), the local facility will elevate the issue to the responsible Service Area office.
The elevation of a recurring sector loading issue to the regional level indicates that the local facility requires additional assistance in resolving the issue. The appropriate Service Area office will allocate necessary resources to address the sector loading issue and will ensure that:
- The local facility forwards a staff study to the Service Area office outlining activities taken to resolve the recurring sector loading problem, solutions explored, and recommendations for resolution. The report will also contain specific initiatives the facility is employing to currently manage the sector.
- The originating facility Service Area office will develop an action plan to address the identified problem and will:
- Notify ATCSCC of any continuing TM initiatives being implemented to resolve the sector loading problem.
- Dedicate resources within the division to evaluate the facility's findings.
- Serve as the focal point for coordinating interfacility activity as appropriate.
- Coordinate with appropriate FAA Headquarters service units for assistance as necessary.
- Forward to the manager ATCSCC, within 60 days of receiving the facility's report, a copy of the draft action plan and associated milestones.