Section 1. Performance Checks


Daily radar performance checks and special radar accuracy checks of long-range radar (LRR) systems used by FAA for ATC must be accomplished as follows:

  1. Radar systems performance must be evaluated by radar-qualified air traffic controllers through daily observations and use of the radar systems. FAA Flight Check aircraft may be used to assist the controller in performing radar checks. Controllers should utilize Flight Check aircraft or targets of opportunity to verify radar video and fixed map accuracy when necessary.


Neither the daily radar performance checks nor the special radar accuracy checks replace commissioning and special flight inspection. (See paragraph 3-7-1, Commissioning Radar Facilities.)

  1. Accuracy of radar display systems must be certified on a daily basis. For digitized (narrowband) radar systems, this check is performed by the computer program and is certified daily by Technical Operations personnel. Controllers must monitor the acceptability of the digitized system by indirect methods; e.g., stability and accuracy of presentation, visible alarm lights, and accuracy of registration. Sector controllers must report radar problems to the OS/CIC.
  2. Narrowband radar systems must not be used for operational purposes unless they are certified by the appropriate Technical Operations personnel. Uncertified radar subsystems must be inhibited from an operational narrowband system. The OMIC must make an entry on FAA Form 7230-4 when the digitized radar system is certified and/or when the display from an uncertified radar subsystem is inhibited or restored to the operational system.
  1. When these checks are made, consider video and fixed map accuracy. To ensure a thorough understanding of the program and its objectives by all personnel, close coordination is required among air traffic and technical operations personnel. Initial coordination for common digitizer radar accuracy flight checks is effected by the Maintenance Control Center (MCC) coordinator with the facility's test coordinator and Technical Operations. Effect interfacility coordination and with the ARTCC within which the Flight Check aircraft originates. Give special attention to assure the unique assignment of a discrete beacon code; i.e., assure that other aircraft within the same radar coverage as the Flight Check aircraft are not assigned the same beacon code and that the beacon code assigned the Flight Check aircraft is not changed.
  2. The ARTCC air traffic manager must ensure that a sufficient number of controllers are fully qualified to participate in the special radar accuracy check. A detailed list of minimum accuracy requirements of the radar must be made available to the controller/s.
  3. The controller/s assigned to participate in these checks must be thoroughly familiar with the requirements set forth herein as well as the commissioning flight inspection data.


FAA aircraft normally operate on published routes.

  1. When necessary, ARTCC controllers must:
  1. Check the accuracy of as many of the predetermined checkpoints as possible while the Flight Check aircraft is operating within the area of radar coverage.
  2. Request the pilot to advise when he/she is over each predetermined checkpoint. When these checks are being conducted, the pilot must alert the controller that the checkpoint is being approached and state “mark” when over the point.
  3. Do not change the previously assigned discrete beacon code.
  1. Satisfactory radar performance of video and fixed map accuracy will be such that an aircraft reporting over a checkpoint will be within a circular area about the checkpoint, the radius of which is 3 percent of the distance from the checkpoint to the radar antenna site or 500 feet, whichever is greater.
  1. Type radar system.
  2. Date.
  3. Aircraft identification.
  4. Type aircraft.
  5. Altitude/flight level.
  6. Aircraft reported position.
  7. Radar indicated position.
  8. Discrepancy.
  9. Primary or secondary radar.
  10. CP or LP.