Section 2. Deficiencies
Note deficiencies in the radar system on FAA Form 7230-4. Reconcile them as follows:
- After consultation with the Technical Operations representative, the ARTCC air traffic manager or his/her designated representative must decide if the radar system is usable. Consider atmospheric or other phenomena that may temporarily affect the radar performance.
- A certification by Technical Operations personnel that the malfunction has been corrected must be entered on the sector's and the OMIC log.
Technical Operations representatives ground check the equipment to determine if the system is operating satisfactorily or request a special flight check.
- When an ARSR/amplitron fails, the magnetron continues to feed normal magnetron power to the transmitting system. In the receiving system, a failure of the parametric amplifier will not cause a complete system failure. Under these conditions, the radar system still has limited operational capabilities.
- When amplitron and/or parametric amplifier service fails in both channels at the same time, the radar will continue to operate but a loss of coverage will be experienced. The Technical Operations technician will immediately advise the ARTCC OMIC of any failure. Following this, the technician will provide an estimate of the shortest period of time required to restore normal service to one channel and will estimate how much time, if any, could be saved by a complete radar shutdown. The OMIC must determine the course of action to be followed. The Technical Operations technician will abide by the OMIC's decision and proceed accordingly.
- The OMIC must contact Technical Operations, which will then issue a NOTAM as required.
At joint-use radar locations, EA activity can subsequently result in a request to apply EA videos to the radar system, which may necessitate the decertification of the narrowband search radar. The SE should be consulted concerning the effect of EA on the operational use of the radar (narrowband/broadband) prior to approving/disapproving a request to conduct EA activity.