Section 4. Emergency Air Traffic Rules (14 CFR Section 91.139)


TFRs issued in accordance with 14 CFR Section 91.139 utilize NOTAMs to advise of the issuance and operations under emergency air traffic rules and regulations.


Whenever the Administrator determines that an emergency condition exists, or will exist, relating to the FAA's ability to operate the air traffic control system and during which normal flight operations under this chapter cannot be conducted consistent with the required levels of safety and efficiency:

  1. The Administrator issues an immediately effective air traffic rule or regulation in response to that emergency condition.
  2. The Administrator (or designee) may utilize the NOTAM system to provide notification of the issuance of the rule or regulation.

TFRs issued in accordance with 14 CFR Section 91.139 may be issued by the FAA Administrator (or designee), the Chief Operating Officer of the ATO, FAA ATO Headquarters, or the ATO Director of System Operations Security.

  1. NOTAMs issued communicate information concerning the rules and regulations that govern flight operation, the use of navigation facilities, and designation of that airspace in which the rules and regulations apply.
  2. When a NOTAM has been issued under this section, no person may operate an aircraft, or other device governed by the regulation concerned, within the designated airspace except in accordance with the authorizations, terms and conditions prescribed in the regulation covered by the NOTAM.