Certification Authorities Software Team (CAST)

The Certification Authorities Software Team (CAST), an international group of certification and regulatory authority representatives, initially met in November 1990 to provide consistent authority input to the draft DO-178B document prior to its publication. CAST expanded to address airborne electronic hardware aspects of certification in 2003. The CAST provided recommendations in the form of position papers that were neither policy nor guidance documents.

The model for certification authority harmonization has changed since CAST's inception and now includes direct collaboration with industry on technical topics. CAST has remained inactive since October 2016 and links to the past CAST papers have been removed from this site. The link to CAST-32A will be removed after publication of A(M)C 20-193.

CAST Position Papers

CAST Number Title
CAST 32A CAST 32 Superceded by CAST 32A
Multi-core Processors
Last updated: Thursday, May 4, 2023