Small Airplanes
- Commuter Category
- Maximum takeoff weight of 19,000 lbs
- Maximum passenger seating capacity of 19
- Multiple engines
- Gliders & Sailplanes
- Maximum seating capacity of 2
- If unpowered, maximum weight of 1654 lbs (750 Kg)
- If powered,
- maximum weight of 1874 lbs (850 Kg)
- single spark or compression ignition engine
- maximum weight to wing span squared of 0.62 lb/ft2 (3.0 kg/m2)
- Normal, Utility, & Acrobatic
- Maximum takeoff weight of 12,500 lbs
- Maximum passenger seating capacity of 9
- Primary Category
- Maximum takeoff weight of 2700 lbs (3375 lbs if seaplane)
- Maximum seating capacity of 4
- Unpressurized cabin
- Restricted Category
- Maximum takeoff weight of 12,500 lbs
- Operated under the limitations for the intended use (agricultural or forest and wildlife conservation)
- Very Light Airplanes
- Single spark or compression ignition engine
- Maximum seating capacity of 2
- Maximum takeoff weight of 1654 lbs (750 Kg)
- Landing configuration stall speed not more than 45 knots
- Limited to day-VFR normal category maneuvers under 14 CFR part 91 operation
Last updated: Wednesday, June 29, 2022