Joint FAA-EASA Additive Manufacturing Workshop

Date and Location

October 21-23, 2025, Cologne, DE


The AM Workshop will span three days of open session presentations and discussions, complimented by separate focus topic working group meetings. Continuation of working groups from prior AM Workshops is planned, with addition of a new focus topic working group for part classification. Please stay tuned here for further developments and a tentative agenda.

  • WG1: Qualification of Additive Manufacturing (AM) Parts of No, or Low Criticality
  • WG2: Fatigue and Damage Tolerance/NDE for Metal AM
  • WG3: Machine Monitoring – Developing a Five-Year Plan to Allow EASA/FAA Acceptance
  • WG4: Part Classification for AM


In response to broad industry's interest and rapid expansion in use of Additive Manufacturing (AM) methods in aviation products, the FAA began offering in 2015 annual workshops focused on qualification and certification (Q&C) of AM parts.  The purpose of the workshops was to promote technical dialog and knowledge sharing between the key stakeholder groups, including government agencies, industry, public standards organizations, and academia. The first three workshops were produced in partnership with the United States Air Force (USAF) and the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL). The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) started offering workshops on Q&C of AM as well in about the same timeframe. As a part of this process and in response to industry requests, FAA and EASA have been increasingly working together, resulting in collaboration and alternate hosting of an annual aviation AM event by FAA and EASA respectively.

Organizing Committee

FAA (Co-organizer and Host)

  • Dr. Thomas Broderick, Chief Scientist and Technical Advisor (CSTA) for Advanced Manufacturing and Materials 

EASA (Co-organizers)

  • Dr. Simon Waite, Senior Expert for Materials
  • Jonas vom Weg, Junior Expert – Structures

NIAR, Wichita State University (Co-organizers)

  • Lauren Tubesing, BD Lead Advanced Manufacturing
  • Mark Shaw, Chief Engineer, Defense Industrial Base Strategy
  • Rachael Andrulonis, Director Advanced Materials Research 


Last updated: Tuesday, January 14, 2025