Office of Aerospace Medicine Technical Reports
Civil Aerospace Medical Institute
Report No: DOT/FAA/AM-91/13
Title and Subtitle: Civilian Training in High Altitude Flight Physiology
Report Date: August 1991
Authors: Turner, J.W. and Huntley, M.S., Jr.
Abstract: A survey was conducted to determine if training in high-altitude physiology should be required for civilian pilots; what the current status of such training was; and, if required, what should be included in an ideal curriculum. The survey included a review of ASRS and NTSB accidents/incidents where high altitude was a contributing factor, current FARs, the Airman's Information Manual, and military training courses. In addition, representatives of pilot and flight attendant unions, airlines, airframe manufacturers, the armed services, NBAA, AOPA, flight schools, and universities were interviewed. And, an expert in the field was identified and asked to write a discussion paper for inclusion in the report.
The survey determined that there is a need for such training. It was also found that current training practices are not uniform and sometimes do not even address those subjects required by Federal Aviation Regulations. The report contains recommendations for subjects to be included in a core curriculum and additional subjects that may be included for a more complete knowledge of high altitude physiology issues relevant to civilian flight.
Key Words: Physiology, high-altitude training, civilian, oxygen, hypoxia decompression
No. of Pages: 49
Last updated: Friday, June 1, 2012