Aircraft Registration
Import an Aircraft
To register an imported aircraft, you must provide the following:
- a statement by the official having jurisdiction over the National Aircraft Registry of the foreign country of export indicating that registration has ended or that the aircraft was never registered
- evidence of ownership, such as a Bill of Sale, signed in ink, from the foreign seller to the U. S. applicant/owner
- a completed Aircraft Registration Application, AC Form 8050-1
- a check or money order made payable to the Federal Aviation Administration in the amount of $5 (U.S. funds)
We handle imports on a priority basis. Please write "Import" in red ink on the envelope and the request.
You must use an original Aircraft Registration Application, AC Form 8050-1. For the online form select this link, Aircraft Registration Application. Paper application forms may be obtained from the Aircraft Registration Branch or your local FAA Flight Standards District Office (FSDO).
If a P.O. box or mail drop location is used for mailing purposes, you must also provide your physical address or location on the application. If necessary, provide directions or a map for locating your residence or place of business.
Your application for aircraft registration must include the typed or printed name and signature of each applicant. We will return any applications that do not include the printed or typed name of the signer.
For more information, review Information to Aid in the Registration of Imported Aircraft, REGAR-124I (PDF, 196 KB) or contact the Aircraft Registration Branch.