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United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

Lincoln Airport (LNK)

Lincoln Airport (LNK) is a medium sized multi-use airport located approximately 4 miles north of Lincoln, Nebraska. While a large majority of the traffic is general aviation both based and itinerant, there is a substantial military presence, and regularly scheduled commercial service. View a printable Pilot Handbook of the LNK information found on this Web page.


Know Before You Go

  • Runway Configuration is 17/35, 18/36 and 14/32
  • Aircraft cleared to land on RWY 17/35 are mistakenly lining up on or attempting to land on RWY 18/36.  
  • Pilots have landed on various TWYS located on either side of the RWYs.  
  • TWY G a large TWY located on the west side of the field may be confused for RWY 18/36.
  • The same hazard applies to TWY D and TWY A.
  • There is a large space between these RWYs which may cause confusion when landing to the north or the south.
  • RWY 18/36 is parallel and double the length and width of RWY 17/35
  • Positively identify your assigned RWY.
  • LNK has published Arrival Alert Notices. See Arrival Alert Notices.
  • HS 1 – TWY E – Know where to hold short will lessen confusion at this spot. There is insufficient clearance between RWYs 14/32 and 18/36 if aircraft stop in between those RWYS on TWY E. Therefore, aircraft are instructed to hold short of RWY 18/36 for traffic on RWY 14/32 and likewise aircraft are instructed to hold short of RWY 14/32 for traffic on RWY 18/36. Know where to hold short.
  • HS 2 – TWY A – Aircraft taxing south on TWY A are told to hold short of RWY 32 Approach. Aircraft have missed the Approach Hold Short Line and conflicted with aircraft approaching RWY 32 or departing RWY 14.

Below find various LNK-specific information and things to be aware of, as well as general information to inform your preflight planning. This will be reviewed quarterly and updated as needed. This information is to supplement the From the Flight Deck Videos that are produced by the FAA Runway Safety Group. Here you will also find information provided by the local air traffic controllers at the airport where you intend to fly. The information is subject to change. Not for navigation or legal* pre-flight action. Always refer to official pre-flight materials such as, but not limited to, NOTAMs, airport diagrams, VFR charts and airport construction notices for the latest airport-specific details.

LNK Tower Administrative Office
Business Phone 402-458-3011
0800-1600 M-F

Last updated: Tuesday, April 2, 2024