Palm Beach International Airport (PBI)
Palm Beach International Airport (PBI) is a medium-sized, mixed-use airport located on the east coast of Florida, between the cities of West Palm Beach and Lake Worth. Pilots who are not familiar with the area should be aware that North Palm Beach County General Aviation Airport (F45) is located approximately 10 miles northwest with a very similar RWY configuration. The traffic mix at PBI consists of air carrier, corporate, and general aviation. Several flight schools use PBI to expose student pilots to towered airport operations. View a printable Pilot Handbook of the PBI information found on this Web page.
Know Before You Go
- PBI has two parallel RWYs designated RWY 10L/28R and RWY 10R/28L.
- Note that RWY 10L/28R is much longer and wider than parallel RWY 10R/28L.
- RWY 10R/28L has staggered thresholds at both ends.
- A third RWY designated RWY 14/32 intersects RWY 10L/28R.
There is a complex TWY system that provides access to all facilities. General aviation and corporate facilities are located on the north and south sides of the airport.
The airspace at PBI is Class C. (Refer to Sectional Chart)
Hours of Operation – 24 hours
Administrative Office
Open 0730L to 1600L - daily
Business Phone 561-275-1401
Below find various PBI-specific information and things to be aware of, as well as general information to inform your preflight planning. This will be reviewed quarterly and updated as needed. This information is to supplement the From the Flight Deck Videos that are produced by the FAA Runway Safety Group. Here you will also find information provided by the local air traffic controllers at the airport where you intend to fly. The information is subject to change. Not for navigation or legal* pre-flight action. Always refer to official pre-flight materials such as, but not limited to, NOTAMs, airport diagrams, VFR charts and airport construction notices for the latest airport-specific details.
Hot Spots
HS 1 RWY 10L hold short line on TWY L is located prior to the bend in the TWY.
- Pilots have failed to recognize that the hold short line is located on TWY L and have made the turn onto TWY L1 and entered the Runway Safety Area for RWY 10L.
Hot Spot 1
HS 2 Aircraft NW-bound on TWY F missing left turn onto TWY L.
- Pilots taxiing from the south side of the airport and cleared to RWY 10L via TWY F to join TWY L have missed the turn and entered RWY 10L/28R.
Hot Spot 2
Wrong Surface TWY Takeoff
- Numerous TWYs parallel all RWYs at PBI.
- Some of these run full length and can be mistaken for a RWY.
- The potential exists for a pilot to take off on a TWY.
- The illustration below is an example that illustrates TWY R and its position relative to RWY 28L.
- Note that this example applies to any airport.
Parallel TWY R and RWY 28L
Wrong Surface RWY Landing (See Arrival Alert Notices.)
- Parallel RWYs with staggered thresholds increase the risk for a Wrong Surface RWY Landing. The pilot may be drawn to the first RWY that comes into view when the thresholds are staggered.
- The pilot may land on the larger or more dominant RWY.
- If available, programming the instrument approach procedure to the RWY may help to identify the correct RWY.
Parallel RWYs with Staggered Thresholds and Parallel TWYS
Wrong Surface TWY Landing
- Like taking off on a TWY, (see “Wrong Surface TWY Takeoff” above), the risk of landing on a TWY increases whenever a TWY runs parallel to a RWY.
- Programming an instrument approach procedure may prevent the pilot from lining up and landing on a TWY.
Surface Risk – Movement Area Cautions
- Aircraft coming out of Jet Aviation, during east traffic operations, and instructed to taxi via TWY J, TWY L, TWY E should note that TWY E comes up very quickly once you have turned onto TWY L. (See illustration below.)
- There is a vehicle service road near the customs ramp. This is not a TWY. (See illustration below).
Do not confuse this Vehicle Service Road with TWY F.

Additional Cautions
- Land and Hold Short Operations (LAHSO) may be conducted on:
Landing RWY | Hold Short Point |
RWY 10L | 14/32 |
RWY 14 | 10L/28R |
RWY 28R | 14/32 |
- Noise abatement procedures are in effect.
- RWY 14 has Engineered Material Arresting System installed at Departure End.
Ground Control
- During periods of busy departure demand (i.e., Sundays from December – April), PBI will normally open Gate Hold for air carrier and business traffic.
- Generally, once an aircraft receives their clearance, they will be instructed to contact Gate Hold for an engine start time once they are ready to depart.
- Gate hold will then instruct the aircraft to monitor Ground Control at the appropriate time.
- Generally, Gate Hold tries to meter aircraft in 15-minute increments with an attempt to keep 7-10 aircraft at the end of the runway, ready for departure.
- Frequency congestion on Ground Control becomes an issue when ground stops or re-routes are initiated, because aircraft then start requesting re-routes or new times.
- It is recommended that you contact clearance delivery if you want to inquire about a new route or time.
- Do not contact ground control, as they are focused on aircraft movement on the airfield.
- As a best practice, it is best to be patient and wait for the controller to reach out to you, versus tying up the frequency while other aircraft are attempting to get their initial clearances.
- Another best practice is to monitor ground control (versus checking in) when instructed by gate hold. By monitoring ground control, the ground controller can ensure he/she talks to the right aircraft at the right time to set up the sequence for local control based on miles in trail, EDCTs, etc.
- Aircraft that taxi from Jet East ramp can expect taxi instructions via Juliette, Lima, Echo for runway 10L, 14, or 10R.
- Use caution for a quick left turn from Lima onto Echo.
Runway Crossings
- The controllers at PBI will be specific with runway crossing instructions.
- Ensure you readback all runway crossing instructions [with call sign].
- Aircraft should expect to fly the RNAV SIDS unless otherwise instructed or equipment limitations prevent this.
- During periods of heavy departure demand, you may be issued an initial departure heading and altitude. In these cases, expect to resume the assigned SID.
- Runway 10R/28L is hard to see and the threshold for 10R/28L does not align with runway 10L/28R [staggered – see illustration below].
- Many aircraft mistake taxiway Lima for runway 10R/28L.
- Ensure you have runway 10R/28L clearly in sight prior to short final.
- TWY L is located between RWYs 10L/28R and RWY 10R/28L – see illustration below.
- TWY L is wider and longer than RWY 10R/28L.
- Do not confuse TWY L for the RWY - See illustration below.

- PBI airspace is exposed to thunderstorms predominantly from June through October.
- LLWAS equipment is available at PBI to help detect windshear around the field.
- PIREPs are always appreciated, including PIREPs for no significant weather when thunderstorms are forecast for the area.
Special Traffic
- PBI has a variety of helicopters on the field, including law enforcement, local news, agriculture, and medevac.
- Use caution for low flying helicopters as you approach the field from the east and west.
- PBI uses a “shoreline” transition procedure to allow VFR aircraft to transition from north to south (or vice versa) at low altitudes. Generally, these aircraft will be at 500’ over the shoreline or 1,000’ 1NM offshore.
- Use caution when departing runway 10L for these low flying aircraft.
- Additional Information
- Due to the location of PBI, expect frequent TFRs for VIP movement and special events.
- Always check NOTAMs prior to flying in/around PBI airspace to ensure these TFRs are not in effect.
- TFR restrictions will be listed in the NOTAM.
- These TFRs are subject to frequent change.
- During periods of high volume at PBI, expect excessive delays for practice approach requests.
- PBI will initiate programs to manage traffic inbound to PBI during periods of high arrival traffic. During these times, pilots changing their destination from a different airport to PBI may have their request denied.
- Operate transponders with altitude reporting mode and ADS-B (if equipped) enabled on all airport surfaces.
Additional Information
- Due to the location of KPBI, expect frequent TFRs for VIP movement and special events.
- Always check NOTAMs prior to flying in/around KPBI airspace to ensure these TFRs are not in effect.
- TFR restrictions will be listed in the NOTAM.
- These TFRs are subject to frequent change.
- During periods of high volume at KPBI, expect excessive delays for practice approach requests.
- PBI will initiate programs to manage traffic inbound to PBI during periods of high arrival traffic. During these times, pilots changing their destination from a different airport to KPBI may have their request denied.
- Operate transponders with altitude reporting mode and ADS-B (if equipped) enabled on all airport surfaces.