Document Information
- Number
- 61-143
- Title
- Conversion Process for Pilot Certificates in Accordance with the Technical Implementation Procedures - Licensing as Part of the Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreement Between the FAA and EASA including Change 1
- Status
- Active
- Date issued
- 2021-06-22
- Office of Primary Responsibility
- AFS-800
- Description
This AC describes the procedures for converting a European Union Part-Flight Crew Licensing (EU Part-FCL) pilot license to a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) pilot certificate. It also contains information on whom to contact and where to find the process for converting an FAA pilot certificate to an EU Part-FCL pilot license. This AC describes how this conversion process is different from the process for obtaining an FAA pilot certificate issued on the basis of a foreign pilot license under Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 61, § 61.75 and for which the FAA certificate is limited by the foreign license.
- Content
- AC 61-143 including Change 1 (PDF)
- AC 61-143 (PDF)