Document Information
- Number
- 450.45-1
- Title
- Launch and Reentry of Space Nuclear Systems
- Status
- Active
- Date issued
- 2023-10-20
- Office of Primary Responsibility
- AST-1, Office of Commercial Space Transportation
- Description
The purpose of this AC is to guide applicants through the launch and reentry licensing process when SNS are present on a launch or reentry vehicle. This AC provides a means of compliance and guidance for applicants proposing to launch or reenter SNS for meeting the requirements for a safety review under § 450.45. This AC also applies to applicants seeking a payload determination for SNS under 14 CFR § 450.43. In accordance with § 450.45(e)(6), the FAA will evaluate the launch or reentry of any radionuclide on a case-by-case basis and issue an approval if the FAA finds that the launch or reentry is consistent with public health and safety, safety of property, and national security and foreign policy interests of the United States. The guidance in this AC can also be used for reference by mission planners and operators in the commercial space industry, designers and manufacturers of launch vehicles or reentry vehicles that may transport SNS, and designers, manufacturers, and operators of SNS, to assist them in understanding the safety analysis and regulatory processes that the FAA will apply in reviewing applications for commercial launches or reentries involving SNS. Spaceports may also find portions of this AC useful for understanding the public safety and regulatory concerns with SNS.
- Content
- AC 450.45-1 (PDF)