Document Information
- Number
- 20-142
- Title
- Eligibility and Evaluation of U.S. Military Surplus Flight Safety Aircraft Parts, Engines, and Propellers
- Status
- Active
- Date issued
- 2000-02-25
- Office of Primary Responsibility
- AFS-300
- Description
This advisory circular (AC) provides information and guidance for use in evaluating and determining the eligibility of U.S. military surplus flight safety critical aircraft parts (FSCAP), engines, and propellers for installation on Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) type-certificated products. This AC is applicable to all U.S. military surplus FSCAP, engines, and propellers, irrespective of when and by what process these products or parts became available. In the absence of FSCAP classification of military surplus parts by the Department of Defense (DoD), such parts should be identified and classified as FSCAP using the guidance contained in this AC. For information and guidance on determining the eligibility of parts other than FSCAP, refer to AC 20-62, Eligibility, Quality, and Identification of Aeronautical Replacement Parts. Like all AC material, this AC is not mandatory and does not constitute a regulation. It is issued for guidance purposes and to outline one method of compliance with the rules. In lieu of following the method(s) prescribed herein without deviation, a person may elect to follow an alternative method, provided the FAA finds the alternative method to be an acceptable means of complying with the applicable requirements of Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR).
- Content
- AC 20-142, Editorial Update (PDF)
- AC 20-142 with Change 1 (PDF)