Document Information
- Number
- 25.981-2A
- Title
- Fuel Tank Flammability
- Status
- Active
- Date issued
- 2008-09-19
- Office of Primary Responsibility
- ANM-112, Northwest Mountain Region - Transport Airplane Directorate
- Description
- This advisory circular (AC) provides information and guidance on compliance with the airworthiness standards for transport category airplanes about limiting the time a fuel tank may be flammable or mitigation of hazards from flammable fuel air mixtures within fuel tanks. This guidance is applicable to transport category airplanes for which a new, amended, or supplemental type certificate is requested, and for which Amendment 25-125 applies. It is also applicable to certain existing design approval holders and certain pending applications for new type certificates, supplemental type certificates and amended type certificates where required by §§ 26.33, 26.35, 26.37, and 26.39, contained in a subpart D to Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) part 26, “Fuel Tank Flammability.” Guidance on compliance with the associated requirements for operators of affected airplanes that must comply with requirements in 14 CFR parts 121, 125 and 129, to incorporate flammability reduction or ignition mitigation means by specified dates, will be contained in a separate document.
- Content
- AC 25.981-2A (PDF)
- Cancels
Cancels Number Title Date 25.981-2 Fuel Tank Flammability Minimization 2001-04-18