Document Information
- Type
- Order
- Number
- 8200.47
- Title
- Flight Inspection of Transponder Landing System
- Date issued
- 2015-09-06
- Status
- Active
- Office of Primary Responsibility
- AJW-331
- Access restriction
- Public
- Order purpose statement
The purpose of this order is to prescribe standardized procedures for flight inspection of the Transponder Landing System (TLS). It is not intended as authorization for an agency to assume flight inspection authority over any group of services which are not now under its jurisdiction. Similarly, it carries no designation of responsibility within any agency unless such has been so designated in its usual procedural manner, such as general orders, regulations, etc. This order details the flight inspection procedures, requirements, and analysis for the evaluation of the Transponder Landing System (TLS).
- Content
- FAA Order 8200.47 (PDF)
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