Document Information
- Type
- Notice
- Number
- JO 7340.527
- Title
- Foreign ICAO 3LD Additions, Deletions, and Modifications
(excluding U.S.) - Date issued
- 2019-06-24
- Date cancelled
- 2020-06-24
- Office of Primary Responsibility
- AJR-2
- Access restriction
- Public
- Order purpose statement
- This notice modifies FAA Order JO 7340.2, Contractions, Chapter 3, Sections 1, 2, and 3, ICAO Aircraft Company Three-Letter Identifier and/or Telephony Designator. This notice reflects recent changes initiated by countries other than the United States (U.S.) including new ICAO three letter designators (3LDs), deletions of defunct ICAO 3LDs, and modifications to ICAO 3LDs, associated telephonies, and companies/agencies. This Notice supplements FAA Order JO 7340.2 until the additions and modifications are incorporated into the Order. This Notice does not replace or substitute for GENOTs issued by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Air Traffic Organization (ATO) for ICAO 3LDs assigned and authorized for U.S. aircraft operators.
- Content
- N JO 7340.527 (PDF)
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