Document Information
- Type
- Notice
- Number
- 8900.555
- Title
- Reexamination of Airmen Tested by Michael A. Puehler
- Date issued
- 2020-07-15
- Date cancelled
- 2021-07-15
- Office of Primary Responsibility
- AFS-600
- Access restriction
- Public
- Order purpose statement
This notice provides current guidance to Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) aviation safety inspectors (ASI) on program policies and procedures for reexamining individuals holding pilot certificates with various ratings who were tested by Michael A. Puehler of Cincinnati, Ohio. The reexamination will ensure that these individuals meet the standards of Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 61 to hold their certificates and/or ratings.
Note: This guidance is considered to be supplemental to FAA orders and Federal regulations.
- Content
- N 8900.555 (PDF)
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