Passenger Safety Tips

Aviation safety isn't just the FAA, the pilot's or the flight attendants’ job — it takes all of us. We all need to think about safety — even just for a minute.

Here are some tips to follow to keep you and your fellow travelers safe when you fly. Most importantly, pay attention to your flight and cabin crews. They are there to keep you as safe as possible.

You can make your flight even safer by following these guidelines:

  • Pay attention to the flight attendant safety briefing at the beginning of your flight and read the safety briefing card.
  • Buckle up. Keep you and your family safe by wearing a seat belt at all times while seated.
  • Seat belts on airplanes restrain and help keep you safe while you're seated during critical phases of flight and during turbulence. The seat belt is intended to be worn low and tight on the hips, not the abdomen, to prevent injuries and effectively limit the body’s forward motion. 
  • Use an approved child safety seat or device if your child weighs less than 40 pounds.
  • Prevent in-flight injuries by following your airline's carry-on restrictions.
  • Check your airline's Portable Electronic Device (PED) policy. Learn more on our PED website.
Last updated: Wednesday, March 6, 2024