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United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

Eastern Region

illustration of a plane flying over popular U.S. eastern region landmarks

About Us

The Eastern Office of the Regional Administrator is one of nine offices that comprise National Engagement and Regional Administration. The Regional Administrator, as the Senior FAA Official in the geographic area, provides leadership on key agency priorities, such as horizontal integration across the FAA Lines of Business and Staff Offices to ensure the Agency is providing consistent stakeholder support and engagement.

The office partners with Federal, state and local governments and others to promote aviation safety and education across the region. The office addresses airspace and procedure modernization, runway safety, aviation workforce development, finance, information technology, policy, human resources, and civil rights.

Areas Served

illustration of Central Region

  • Delaware
  • Maryland
  • New Jersey
  • New York
  • Pennsylvania
  • Virginia
  • Washington, DC
  • West Virginia


The Eastern Region is home to FAA's Washington, DC headquarters and the William J. Hughes Technical Center in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Through the specialized New York Area Program Integration Office (NYAPIO), the Regional Administrator facilitates and oversees integration of programs to address congestion and flight delays specific to New York Metropolitan Area airspace, which among the most complex in the world. The Eastern Region consists of seven of the nation's Core 30 airports in the national airspace system (NAS). Oversight of certifications and safety for the Region's airports is coordinated through the Eastern Region Airports Division.

STEM Aviation and Space Education

Within the region, FAA's Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Aviation and Space Education (AVSED) Program is an integral part of agency outreach and the national education system. The program was established to expose students to aviation and aerospace careers and to promote STEM education.

FAA Regional Administrators

FAA's nine Regional Administrator offices are strategically located across the country, each serving the public by supporting and coordinating operation of a national airspace system that ensures airports are safe, efficient, environmentally responsible, and meet the needs of travelers.

Noise Complaints & Inquiries

File a noise complaint or inquiry in the Eastern Region.

FAA Community Engagement

The FAA is committed to inform and involve the public, engage with communities and give meaningful consideration to community concerns and views as we make aviation decisions that affect them.

Airspace and Airport Projects

FAA Workshops and Informal Airspace Meetings

Last updated: Wednesday, October 18, 2023